Master’s in Nursing Schools in Vermont

The field of nursing has grown rapidly in recent years, giving way to the expansion of specialty careers in different types of health care, leadership fields, and the field of education. If you want to explore these careers, your journey may start with a Master’s degree in nursing. This degree can build upon your current nursing experience and education to prepare you for higher-level job titles. Request program information from the schools on this page that interest you, keeping in mind that the more research you do, the more likely you are to choose the best nursing degree program to meet your needs.

As a Vermont nursing student, you can choose from specialties like clinical nurse leader, family nurse practitioner, and gerontological nurse practitioner. The clinical nurse leader path prepares you to help direct patients’ care and ensure that nurses are acting in line with what a patient needs. While a family nurse practitioner degree gives you a broad skill set in caring for patients of different ages, the gerontological path specifically teaches you how to care for aging and elderly adults.

In most of these programs, you can decide to either attend school full-time or part-time. You can often graduate in about two years if you attend school full-time, and you may graduate in three to four years if you attend school part-time.

All of these degrees require some degree of clinical work. While the nurse practitioner programs tend to require well over 800 hours of work with patients, the clinical nurse leader path requires closer to 400 hours of practicum work.

While living in Vermont, you can take advantage of numerous scholarship programs that can make your education more affordable. The Vermont State Nurses Foundation awards three scholarships each year, all of which are available to Master’s-level students. You can also apply for scholarships through the New England Federal Credit Union, an organization that awards $3,000 scholarships to graduate nursing students.

Working With Your MSN in Vermont

In Vermont, there’s a large push to increase the amount of nurse leaders throughout the state. The Vermont Nurse Leadership Fellows program is a significant program in this state that prepares nurses to act as industry experts in various positions. The Vermont Nurse Leadership Fellows program is supported by the Vermont Action Coalition, a group that advocates for Vermont nurses.

Many advanced practice nurses report that Vermont is an excellent state to work in. This is because nurse practitioners and other advanced practice nurses can practice to the full extent of their education. With a primary care shortage looming in Vermont, nurse practitioners may start to play an even more significant part in the state’s health care industry.

Many nurses agree that Vermont is a great place to live and work. This eastern state offers ample opportunities for nurses, especially those with a MSN degree. With a master’s degree in nursing you can work as a clinical nurse specialist or as a nurse anesthetist.

As a clinical nurse specialist you will collaborate with other members of the healthcare team regarding policies, procedures, care plans, and even day-to-day patient care. Nurse anesthetists work closely with patients and other members of the healthcare team to ensure that patients are safely and appropriately sedated during surgery or other procedures. They perform assessments, as well as monitor patients and give medications.

If you would like to find out more about either of these careers or obtaining your MSN degree, contact one of the schools on this page.

What You Can Expect From Your MSN Program

Nursing professionals are, quite simply, some of the most important members of any health care team. You’ve undoubtedly discovered this while working as a registered nurse in Vermont. As you’ve progressed through your career, you may have wished that you could take on more responsibility, explore other career titles within nursing, and see what you could do with your training and education. Getting your MSN in Vermont may be an option that can help you do just that.

As you start to look into different MSN options in Vermont, you might wish to learn about different professional nursing groups in Vermont. Contacting these groups, even as a student, may put you in contact with professionals that can help you decide whether you’d excel in nurse leadership, advanced nursing care, or nurse education. The Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders supports those in nursing administration and students who are on that career path. They even have scholarships for students. Those who are interested in nurse midwifery may join Vermont Nurse Midwives, which is part of the American College of Nurse Midwives. The Vermont Association of Nurse Anesthetists is a great resource for those who are interested in the specialized field of nurse anesthesia. If you want to work in primary care, consider membership in the Vermont Nurse Practitioners Association.

In Vermont, there’s a particularly significant need for nurses with advanced training in psychiatric care. According to Montpelier Bridge, psychiatric nurses have been in short supply since Vermont started rebuilding their mental health services.
The nurse practitioner shortage is also very significant in Vermont. Nurse practitioners, who can care for patients of all ages and medical needs, present a cost-effective solution to area employers.

Basically, an MSN program offers a more in-depth look at issues in the nursing field and the duties that advanced practice nurses are responsible for completing. You may be able to complete your education in about two years if you plan on attending school full-time. This may require you to attend classes and clinicals on weekends to work around your work schedule. Prior to beginning your classes, you’ll likely have to choose your specialty area. Specialty areas may include nurse practitioner, nurse midwifery, nurse anesthesia, nurse leadership, nurse education, and nurse research. There are also a variety of disease conditions and patient populations you can specialize within.

Though much of your curriculum is dependent on your specialty selection, there are some courses that all MSN students must complete. These classes may include Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Advanced Pathophysiology, Professional Role Development, and Methods for Evidence-Based Practice. Some of the classes you may take in a nursing leadership program include Health Care Ethics, Policy, & Politics, Advanced Pharmacology for Clinical Nurse Leaders, and Quality in Health Care.

Become familiar with local clinical requirements to find out what you’ll be expected to complete during your degree. The Vermont Board of Nursing has different clinical requirements for each specialty. Nurse leaders, for example, may complete between 400 and 500 hours. Those in clinical specialties may complete closer to 700 clinical hours.

Due to the importance of the nursing field in Vermont, you may be eligible for many grants, scholarships, and loan repayment programs! These programs tend to fill up fairly quickly, so begin your scholarship hunt as soon as you’re accepted to an MSN program. The Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders awards the Marilyn Rinker Leadership Scholarship for Nurses in an Advanced Degree Program. You must join this organization and agree to work in Vermont for two years. The Vermont Department of Health has several programs in place for CNM and NP students, including the Vermont Area Health Education Center Program and the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation. Consider applying for multiple scholarships through the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation.

Contact the schools on our site to learn more about your options for earning your Master’s in nursing in Vermont.

Vermont RN to MSN Bridge Programs

The small state of Vermont is known for its high-quality health care. From nationally-ranked hospitals to specialists in all areas, the state’s medical industry is booming. By working as a registered nurse, you contribute to this growing field. If you’ve ever considered furthering your education, you may be ready to take on a larger role in Vermont’s nursing industry! The Burlington Free Press notes that nurses are a crucial part of care delivery in Vermont. By becoming a nurse researcher, nurse practitioner, nurse educator, or taking on another care role in this state, you can make the most of your career aspirations.

The curriculum for your RN-to-MSN program of choice will likely go into many different nursing specialties. Even though you will only work in one chosen specialty after graduation, you should still be familiar with other fields and understand their roles in the nursing industry. Some of the specialties you may explore include leadership, education, advanced practice, and research.

Although you won’t get experience in these areas until you start your MSN program, you’ll probably have to choose your specialty before you begin your program. Becoming a nurse practitioner, nurse midwife, nurse anesthetist, or clinical nurse specialist may allow you to spend most of your time with patients. If you would rather work in a leadership or administrative setting, consider a nursing administration or nursing leadership specialty. You may be able to educate incoming undergraduate nursing students.

There’s a set of core courses that you may have to complete before you begin your specialty classes. These classes may include Advances Topics in Nursing, Genetics and Genomics, Health Care Ethics & Policy, Methods for Evidence-Based Practice, and Nursing Science. Some classes that are specific to specialties include Financing of Health Care, Quality and Policy in Health Care, Leadership in Nursing, and Curriculum Development in Nursing.

It’s important to look into a variety of financial aid options when you start your RN-to-MSN degree in Vermont. Student loans may be an option, but most students prefer to exhaust their grant and scholarship options before turning to student loans. If you do take on student loans, the Vermont Department of Health may have loan repayment options for you. Loan forgiveness is available to advanced practice nurses that work in one of Vermont’s rural areas. The New England Federal Credit Union funds three nursing scholarships each year. Each scholarship is worth $3,000. The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation assists with a number of nursing scholarships that are intended for undergraduate and graduate nursing students.

You may wonder whether or not you need a different license to work with an MSN in Vermont. It depends on which career path you choose. If your role will put you in an expanded practice setting with patients, you’ll likely need to pursue advanced licensure through the Vermont Board of Nursing. For example, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists must have advanced standing on their RN license to practice. If you want to work in a non-clinical field, you’ll likely just need to maintain your registered nursing license.

Whether you use your MSN to work in advanced practice, nursing administration, or nursing education, you can feel confident that you’re contributing to high standards in the nursing field. With your advanced education, you can give patients excellent care and help health care organizations run more efficiently across Vermont.

Vermont Direct Entry MSN

Pursuing a second career in nursing through a direct entry MSN program could be one of the best career choices you can make in today’s economy. Not only are you building upon your current education, but you can also enter the rewarding profession of nursing in as little as three years. Find out how a direct entry MSN program could benefit both you and the state of healthcare in Vermont.

Master’s prepared nurses are essential to bridging the gap between professional shortages and primary care providers who are trained to adapt and grow along with the healthcare landscape. By completing a Direct Entry MSN program, you can enter the nursing profession as a leader, an educator and a real life example of success. To find accelerated nursing programs in Vermont, simply explore the schools on our site. You can contact them to learn even more about programs.

Why Should I get my Master’s Degree in Nursing?

Simply put, Vermont is in need of nurses with advanced degrees. The recent passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is designed to give more people access to healthcare than ever before, puts more pressure on an already pressing issue of the shortage of primary care providers in Vermont.

Rural areas make it even more difficult for those to receive proper medical care. Currently, there are 24 medically underserved areas in the state of Vermont. The solution to this vexing problem is to establish more nurses with advanced degrees. For example, many people would rather see a nurse practitioner right away than have to wait weeks just to see a doctor.

Often times, nurse practitioners are able to diagnose common illnesses, write orders and prescribe medications to patients. Nurse practitioners and doctors are similar in the nature of what they do. Doctors study diseases and how to cure them while nurses study people and how to heal them. However, even the nursing field is facing shortages of its own and that is due in part to the lack of nurse educators.

Without nursing educators, programs are forced to turn away qualified students from programs. With a MSN degree with a specialization in nursing education, you could help make a change and contribute to be a part of the solution.

Accelerated Master’s in Nursing Programs in Vermont

A direct entry MSN program is designed for those who have previously earned a bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing field and are seeking an advanced degree in the field of nursing. Most programs require that you have earned at least a GPA of 3.0 in order to be accepted along with a few other requirements and an application fee.

Because you have had an educational foundation laid out through your previous degree, you should expect to learn at an accelerated pace. First, you will be taught the basic building blocks of the nursing profession before being exposed to advanced training and specialized courses in leadership, management and advanced clinical principles.

Because the nursing profession covers expansive areas in healthcare, there are many different career choices to choose from. Some nurses work in pediatrics, oncology, gerontology, urology–there are many specializations to focus on. Among these, you will find many nurses who have a master’s degree working as nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, health administrators, nurse educators, nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nurse anesthetists are the highest paid APRNs in the nursing profession.

A typical course outline for a nurse anesthetist program may include:

  • Current Issues In Health and Social Policy
  • Pharmacology of Anesthesia and Accessory Drugs
  • Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology
  • Advanced Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Nursing Practice
  • Advanced Physical Assessment and Clinical Decision Making
  • Applied Physiology for Nurse Anesthetists
  • Applied Science Related to Anesthesia
  • Scientific Inquiry for Evidence-based Practice
  • Principles of Nurse Anesthesia Practice
  • Evidence-Based Practice for Nurse Anesthetists
  • Advanced Technologies & Clinical Decisions in Acute Care
  • Clinical Fieldwork in Nurse Anesthesia Practice
  • Nurse Anesthesia Residency

Direct Entry MSN Routes in Vermont

There are a few different methods of earning your MSN degree. One method that is becoming increasingly popular is taking online classes. Online classes allow for flexibility in both your class and work schedules. Another option is the traditional classroom method. If you choose this more demanding option, it is recommended that you limit or even eliminate your work schedule. Other factors may come into play when choosing which method is right for you such as family, affordability, among other factors.

Financial Aid

Paying for school can be a stressful situation, especially if you can’t readily afford tuition. Luckily, there are many options in today’s day and age that can financially help a student get the degree that they are seeking. Not only is there state financial aid, but there are also federal scholarships and loan programs that are available. Check out the American Colleges of Nursing for graduate study financial aid that you may be able to qualify for.

Committing to a master’s degree program takes dedication, but it can have a great impact on your nursing success in the form of new opportunities, higher pay and greater responsibilities. Check out our list of direct entry MSN programs that are available in Vermont and see which may be a good match for you.

Vermont CRNA Programs

With your registered nursing degree, you may be in a great position to take your health care career to a more advanced level. Changing health care legislation across the country has increased the demand for nurses and advanced nursing professionals. Vermont, which has an extremely high population density, is starting to rely more and more on advanced practice nurses for different types of care. If you enjoy working with pharmacology and nursing research, becoming a nurse anesthetist in Vermont may be a great move for your career.

Reach out to the graduate nursing schools in Vermont that offer CRNA programs to learn more about this exciting nursing profession and your options for study.

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) provide many of the same services as anesthesiologists, but at a much smaller cost. Across the country, nurse anesthetists are responsible for administering over 34 million doses of anesthetic each year. Nurse anesthetists have made appropriate pain relief more widely available across Vermont. According to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, anesthesia is approximately 50 times safer now than it was in the early 1980s. Much of this is due to the work of nurse anesthesia professionals.

Working in nurse anesthesiology requires you to be dedicated to your patients and to high standards of nursing care. If this sounds like the right career for you, keep reading to learn more about CRNA programs in Vermont.

Admissions and Curriculum for CRNA Programs in Vermont

Since nurse anesthetists often work independently and take on a great deal of responsibility for patient care, you must demonstrate your strong academic performance and clinical work to be accepted to a CRNA program in Vermont. You need a Bachelor’s degree in nursing from an accredited university and your graduating GPA must be at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. At some competitive schools, GPA requirements may be even stricter. In addition, you may need work experience in a critical care setting. Working in critical care gives you a good feel for the work environment of the nurse anesthesiologist and demonstrates that you can work in high stress situations.

The curriculum for nurse anesthetist programs in Vermont may include 50 to 80 credits, depending on whether you plan on earning a Master’s degree or a doctoral degree. You may begin with classes that give you a broad overview of advanced nursing as a whole, including Organization and Systems Leadership, Foundations of Advanced Nursing Practice, and Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations of Advanced Nursing Practice. However, many of the courses you take may be dedicated solely to the study and practice of nurse anesthesia. For example, you may take courses like Principles of Anesthesia, Advanced Pharmacology for Nurse Anesthetists, and Nurse Anesthesia Clinical Practicum.

It should be clear that clinical practice is a significant part of this degree. You must work on at least 550 cases to be eligible for national certification. You may find that your school offers even more clinical experience in order to prepare you for your work as a nurse anesthetist in Vermont.

Earning a master’s degree in nursing does not have to be expensive if you spend some time looking into scholarship and grant opportunities in Vermont. Through the Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders, you can apply for the Marilyn Rinker Leadership Scholarship for Nurses in an Advanced Degree Program. The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation is another excellent resource for scholarships, including several that are open only to nursing students. If you are willing to work in a rural area after graduation, you may qualify for scholarships through the Vermont Department of Health.

Working as a Nurse Anesthetist in Vermont

Upon graduating from a nurse anesthesia program in Vermont, you may begin the process of getting your state licensure and national certification. First, you must apply for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist status through the National Board of Certification & Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists. You may register to take the certification exam after successfully graduating from your graduate program. If you pass the test, you can have your scores sent to the Vermont Board of Nursing. The Vermont Board of Nursing may examine your educational credentials, your work experience, and your test scores to ensure that you are fit for licensure. Once you have your certification and your license, you may begin working as a nurse anesthetist in Vermont.

It is important to network with other advanced nursing professionals if you want to quickly get acclimated to this new field. By joining a professional organization, you may meet other nurse anesthetists, learn about relevant legislature in your state, and discover new job opportunities that may be available to you. Consider joining the Vermont Association of Nurse Anesthetists to meet these goals. Participation in this group may also help you learn more about this field and take on a leadership role in your nursing community.

Are you ready to take the next step in your nursing career? If so, get started by reaching out to CRNA programs in Vermont and requesting detailed program materials.

Forensic Nursing in Vermont

As a whole, the field of healthcare has been trending toward specialization for several years. While every facility needs generally trained practitioners who can provide care for a variety of conditions and emergencies, evidence indicates that practitioners with training in a specific area of medicine may have better outcomes.

This is one of the driving forces behind the field of forensic nursing. This specialty serves as a bridge between healthcare and criminal justice, two fields that have often clashed in the past.

Nurses without criminal justice training have little knowledge with regard to the handling of biological and forensic evidence, sometimes unintentionally compromising or destroying it. Victims often felt that criminal justice professionals cared only about evidence, making them feel further dehumanized.

As a forensic nurse, you can ensure that patient care goals and evidence collection goals are met. Nurses with training in this area may work for many institutions and nonprofit agencies, such as the Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, which runs a standalone SANE program.

Is a forensic nurse degree a good fit for you?

Master’s Degree Programs in Forensic Nursing in Vermont

It’s important to take your time while comparing forensic nursing programs. There are several areas of study within this field, and your career goals may determine which school best fits your needs.

If you want to maintain a strict focus on patient care, you may decide to become a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. This role is particularly important, since SANEs receive training on how to conduct physical exams and collect evidence without further distressing or harming patients.

If you are interested in the legal applications of medical care and the evidence gained during physical exams, the field of legal nurse consulting may be a good fit for you. This career path provides experienced nurses with an in-depth education in state and federal law.

Legal Nurse Consultant Graduate Courses

  • Legal Nurse Consulting
  • Risk Management
  • Administrative Law
  • Healthcare Law
  • Legal and Healthcare Ethics
  • Legal Research
  • Causes of Action in Contract and Tort

Of course, you may also consider graduate-level forensic nurse degrees in Vermont. These degree programs require approximately two years of education beyond your Bachelor’s degree. Many have practical experience requirements, as practical nursing experience may demonstrate your ability to work well in fast-paced healthcare settings.

Education is the first step to certification in all of these roles, although each role has different forensic nursing requirements. After completing a legal nurse consulting program, you may apply for certification through the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants.

SANE and Advanced Forensic Nurse applicants must submit their documentation to the Commission for Forensic Nursing Certification.

The Role of Forensic Nurses in Vermont

By the time you reach graduation, you should have a fairly clear career path laid out ahead of you. During your clinical rotations, you may have found a clinic, hospital, or crisis center that can make use of your nursing skills.

You may use your connections and references gained in clinical rotations to find a position that suits your career goals. If you go into legal nurse consulting, you may find openings at legal nurse consultation firms. Those with an entrepreneurial spirit may begin their own firm and choose which cases they take on.

Quite a few Vermont hospitals and clinics hire forensic nurses and SANEs, including the Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services and the University of Vermont Medical Center.

This is your chance to find out how you can protect victims and make Vermont a safer place.

Vermont Clinical Nurse Leader

No matter how long you have been a registered nurse in Vermont, you have likely noticed that there are several ways that this industry could grow, improve, and reach its full potential. In fact, the field of nursing becomes more complex each year, thanks to the myriad roles that nurses can fill in health care.

When you become a nurse leader, you may oversee the care of patients whose needs are not being met in the health care system. In Vermont, there is an ongoing problem with mental health patients receiving inadequate or subpar care (Valley News). The expertise you gain in a nurse leadership program can help address problems like this one.

A prominent nurse leader in Vermont commented on the state’s struggle with opiate addiction and noted that nurses play a big part in recognizing and treating this problem (WAMC Northeast Public Radio).

The path you take in your nursing career can shape health care in Vermont. Find out more by contacting nurse leadership graduate programs in Vermont.

How Can I Become a Clinical Nurse Leader in Vermont?

There is a distinct difference between Clinical Nurse Leadership and nurse administration. The role of a Clinical Nurse Leader is to provide high-level patient care, serve as a leader in the nursing community, and use evidence-based care in their medical decisions.

Administration roles focus more on finance, management, and legislation. However, you may find that Vermont programs cover both areas of nurse management, as these roles often overlap in clinical settings.

As you earn your Master’s degree, you may enroll in courses like:

  • Nursing Science and Practice
  • Quality in Health Care
  • Advanced Health Assessment
  • Health Care Ethics and Policy
  • Biostatistics
  • Professional Role Development in Nursing
  • Finance in Health Care
  • Clinical Nurse Leader Project
  • Immersion Practicum (480 clinical hours)

You should be well-versed in nurse leadership duties, responsibilities, and techniques by the time you graduate. Many schools focus on your ability to coordinate patient care, provide nursing care in complex situations, and utilize medical research to make evidence-based decisions for your patients.

It is extremely important to have a valid nursing license before you enroll in a Clinical Nurse Leadership program. In Vermont, renewal goes through the Vermont Board of Nursing. Renewal applications are due by the last day of March in odd-numbered years.

Clinical Nurse Leadership is a national certification, so the application process is regulated by the AACN. They analyze your educational qualifications and administer a comprehensive nurse leadership exam. Earning a passing score on this exam allows you to earn your certification, which must then be renewed every five years.

What Does a Clinical Nurse Leader Do?

You may start to grow in your nurse leadership role as you go through your graduate program, as the courses you take are expected to build your confidence in your leadership abilities and show you how you can contribute to nursing care on a greater scale.

You may learn more about the specific role of nurse leaders in Vermont by joining the Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders, which strengthens the role of leadership in Vermont by providing ongoing training, encouraging nurses to take on leadership positions, and supplying up-to-date legislative information and research.

As a Clinical Nurse Leader, you may take on different tasks and responsibilities than other graduate-level nurses. For example, Clinical Nurse Specialists are certified to work in a specialized area of nursing. However, CNLs have a generalist focus, which allows you to work with patients from many different backgrounds and medical needs.

You may be assigned to specific patients, including those with complex cases or medical needs. For the entire time that they are in your care, you may be responsible for their care plan, the nursing treatments they receive, and communication with their family members. Documentation is a core part of this role, as you must collect data and then analyze that data appropriately for better outcomes in the future.

Clinical Nurse Leadership is a new specialty in nursing, so it is full of potential. If you are ready to take the next step in your nursing career, find out if nurse leadership is right for you by requesting information from graduate nurse leadership programs in Vermont.

Vermont Research Nursing Graduate Programs

Over the years, the field of nursing has changed dramatically in response to evolving medical needs, growing educational opportunities, and an expanding patient base. As a Vermont registered nurse, you may have gained valuable experience at clinics, hospitals, private practices, or nursing homes. Not only does your education give you a great base for advanced study, the time you have spent in medical facilities is invaluable.

Nurse researchers identify a range of problems in the field of nursing and come up with ways to solve them, making the field stronger and more efficient as a result. For example, in response to a critical shortage of nurses at a Vermont mental health facility, researchers quickly developed plans to bring on more staff, keep care standards high during the hiring process, and retain high quality staff.

If you would like to delve into the issues surrounding the field of nursing, get started by contacting research nursing graduate programs in Vermont.

Vermont Graduate Degree Programs in Nursing Research

Nursing research is a particularly challenging specialty in this field, so you may need to go through a grueling admissions process to get into this field. However, once you do, you can be rewarded with the knowledge that your work has a direct impact on health care. Being accepted to a program requires a GPA of at least 3.0, although a higher GPA is beneficial due to the competitive nature of this program, and several years of work experience as a registered nurse.

Once you have demonstrated that you are ready to invest yourself in research, you can plan on completing 30 credits over a period of four semesters. You may build your knowledge and skills in courses like Nursing Issues and Trends in Health Care Delivery, The Role of Research in Nursing, Statistics for Health Care Professions, and Applications of Research to Nursing Care. To fulfill the practical experience requirements of your school, you may take laboratory courses, clinical practicum courses, and an internship course.

Going back to school does not have to be expensive, especially if you are in a high demand field like nursing. Dedicating a few afternoons to financial aid can pay off for years to come. One of the biggest resources in Vermont is the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation.

The Role of Clinical Nurse Researchers in Vermont

As a research student, you may gain experience at a variety of local research facilities. This should give you a good idea of places you may work after graduation. Places that hire research nurses include colleges, universities, medical research firms, law firms that specialize in medical cases, and hospitals. The UVM Medical Center is one of the largest nurse research employers in the state.

Now that you know more about nursing research, find the right school for you using our list of nurse research programs in Vermont on this site.

Vermont Certified Nurse Midwife

If you have a bachelor’s degree in nursing, you have the core knowledge and skills needed to look into many different nursing specialties and career paths. With an advanced degree, nurses can become primary care providers, lessen Vermont’s physician shortage, and provide care that is up-to-date with the latest nursing research. The field of nurse midwifery is particularly important, as women have many health care needs that require the care of a specialist.

If you’d like to explore becoming a nurse midwife in Vermont, contact the schools you see below to get program details.

Nurse midwives are praised for increasing women’s access to health care and giving the freedom to consider a range of options. The opening of birth centers across the country has made it easier for pregnant women to try for natural childbirth, get the personalized care they want, and give birth in a safe and relaxed environment. If you’re interested in using your nursing skills to care for women during the most important time of their lives, contact certified nurse midwife programs in Vermont today.

Becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife in Vermont

Nurse midwifery is an advanced nursing career path. As a result, you must have a master’s degree in nursing to become certified and licensed. Most schools require a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Some schools admit students with bachelor’s degrees in non-nursing fields and require them to complete their core nursing courses prior to starting graduate-level courses. You may need to have extensive experience in this field to get accepted to a CNM program; most schools require one to three years of full-time experience.

Having met these expectations, you can start working toward your master’s degree and take a variety of courses that give you the skills you need to work with pregnant women, women in various stages of life, and newborns.

Courses that may be part of your curriculum include Well Woman/GYN Care, The Childbearing Cycle, Intrapartum & Postpartum Care, Antepartum Care of Essentially Normal Women, Analytic Approaches for Advanced Nursing Practice, and Nurse Midwifery Care of Women with Complex Health Conditions. Many courses have clinical requirements. In total, the degree typically involves at least 1,000 clinical hours in several different settings.

As a Vermont nursing professional, you can look into numerous financial aid programs to make your educational more attainable. This may also help you avoid adding to your undergraduate student loans. The Vermont Department of Health has loan repayment options for CNMs who agree to practice in a rural area after graduation. The New England Federal Credit Union awards scholarships of $3,000 each to graduate nursing students. Consider contacting the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation for state-funded nursing scholarships.

Working as a Certified Nurse Midwife in Vermont

To work as a nurse midwife, you must get two types of certification. The first is national certification, which is awarded by the American Midwifery Certification Board to nurses in all 50 states. Once you have met this requirement, you can get your statewide advanced practice license via the Vermont Board of Nursing. They require proof of your passing AMCB exam score, your completion of an accredited program, and a current registered nursing license.

Nurse midwifery, as a field, supports women and helps them enjoy strong health outcomes and personalized care. If that sounds like a mission you can get behind, then contact certified nurse midwife programs in Vermont.

Vermont Clinical Nurse Specialist Degrees

No matter how long you’ve worked as a registered nurse, it’s impossible to ignore the fact that health care is changing in many extremely important ways. As more and more patients seek care in Vermont and try to get their health care needs met, you may see an increased need for advanced care providers. Since the doctor shortage is fairly severe in many parts of the country, many health care companies are turning to nurses to meet their staffing requirements.

To learn more about your options for becoming a CNS in Vermont, contact the schools you see below to request program details.

If you’ve used your experience as a registered nurse to become a more skilled health care expert, you may be ready to expand your scope of practice. As nurses take on a wide range of duties, you can explore new career opportunities. If you’re ready to take on new challenges in research and practice, learn more about clinical nurse specialist (CNS) programs in Vermont.

Becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Vermont

CNS programs in Vermont come in many different specialties and areas of study. You may want to use your nursing experience to find the medical problems or populations you are best at serving, then choose a clinical specialty that suits your areas of interest. The specialty you choose determines the course of your career, so it’s not a decision to be taken lightly.

When you begin your education, you must gain advanced skills in statistics and research. This is much of what sets a CNS apart from an RN. You should enroll in courses like Statistics for Health Care Professionals, Research for Advanced Practice Nurses, and Applied Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Nursing. Other classes you may find in your degree program include Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Nurses, Health Care Policy and Politics, Care for Individuals Across the Health Care Continuum, and Theoretical Foundations for the Advanced Practice Nurse.

Though theoretical education is essential in advanced nursing, it’s clinical experience that really tests your abilities and tells you whether you’ll sink or swim as a CNS. In each semester of your program, you should get some field experience. The majority of your hours should be spent with your target population, totaling over 500 hours of clinical work. This experience may also help you build professional connections and prepare for the post-graduation job search.

In the state of Vermont, you have the advantage of applying for many different scholarship and grants to help cover your educational costs. The Vermont Department of Health has many rural health and primary care programs that provide funding to nurses who want to stay in Vermont after graduation. You may also contact the Vermont State Nurses Association for more information on their scholarships. Through the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation, you can apply for state-funded grants.

Working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Vermont

The American Nurses Credentialing Center certifies clinical nurse specialists in different areas, including adult health, home health, gerontology, and community health. After passing the appropriate exam for your specialty, you can apply for certification.

Certification prepares you to get your advanced practice license via the Vermont Board of Nursing. With your license and your certification, you can work to the full extent of your scope of practice.

Per CNN Money, clinical nurse specialists can enjoy a bright job outlook for several years to come. Through the year 2022, job openings in this specialty may increase by 26%

Are you ready to change the world of medicine? Take the first step today by reaching out to clinical nurse specialist programs in Vermont.

Vermont Public Health Graduate Programs

Working day in and day out as a registered nurse in Vermont gives you the chance to learn a lot about the health care industry. While observing advanced practice nurses and those who work in different specialties in nursing, you may have started to learn about public health issues in Vermont and what the state does to quell or minimize these issues.

If you are looking for a way to use your nursing education in a way that combines research, patient care, data analysis, and program development, the field of public health may be right for you. This is a particularly promising field for those who enjoy working with and utilizing data, as health data in Vermont requires regular analysis. Take a look at our list of public health nursing programs in Vermont below for more information.

Master’s Degree Programs in Public Health Nursing in Vermont

Before deciding that public health is the right nursing specialty for you, spend some time learning about this degree, what it covers, and what you are expected to do as a public health nurse.

One way of learning about public health nursing is looking into the learning outcomes of graduate programs in this field. Programs often expect students to understand and effectively apply nursing research to public health issues, know how to reach and communicate with residents, design programs to improve public health, and assess financial issues to decide where health care money should go.

Before you need to meet these expectations, however, you get to work through a rigorous curriculum of advanced nursing courses. This allows you to learn from instructors who are highly experienced in public health. Classes that you may have to take prior to graduation include Epidemiology, Community Health Nursing, Environmental Health Nursing, Advanced Nursing Practice Standards, Advanced Public Health Standards, Health Care Leadership, and Research Design & Methods.

Clinical requirements are often very extensive in this field of study. Between community clinics, legislative sessions, public health agencies, and community outreach events, your school may require you to spend more than 400 hours in clinical work.

There are several financial aid options to consider as a graduate student. Many nursing schools hire graduate students to work as teaching assistants or research assistants. This allows you to earn work-study pay while gaining relevant experience. You can also look into programs like the Rural Health and Primary Care Program of Vermont, which offers loan forgiveness to graduates who work in Vermont after graduation.

The Role of Public Health Nurses in Vermont

What is expected of you as a public health nurse may change on a daily basis. From following up on existing issues to deciding how to proceed with reports on new health issues, your work may bring you plenty to do. As a public health nurse, your outreach and education efforts can save lives. In Vermont, the drug fentanyl has become a serious public health issue, leading public health nurses to report that fentanyl-related deaths have increased substantially.

Take advantage of opportunities in this field now by requesting information from public health nursing programs in Vermont.

Graduate Nursing Programs in Healthcare Policy in Vermont

As the field of healthcare becomes increasingly complex, it is incredibly important for every state to have policy experts who can create and interpret health policies. Nurses make great policy experts, as you have an inside knowledge of both patients and healthcare, representing valuable viewpoints.

Healthcare is an essential part of residents’ quality of life, and ineffective healthcare policies may make it harder for people in Vermont to pay for or enjoy access to services. For example, the state government of Vermont has been working tirelessly to make the most of the Affordable Care Act. The newly developed Vermont Health Connect allows Vermont residents to compare insurance plans and find an option that suits their policy needs (Burlington Free Press). As this system is further enhanced, legislators may continue to fix issues in state policies and procedures.

As a registered nurse, you may be an excellent candidate for a health policy program that can take your career to the next level. Explore different options now by checking out Master’s in healthcare policy programs in Vermont.

Master’s Degree Programs in Healthcare Policy in Vermont

Graduate-level health policy programs are designed to adequately prepare you for the demands of working in healthcare policy. Before you apply to policy programs in your area, you should have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing. Otherwise, a degree in another health-related field may suffice.

Healthcare policy programs tend to have work experience requirements, so you may need to work as a registered nurse for several years before you can continue your education. Be sure to check entrance requirements before you apply to an MSN program, to ensure you are prepared.

As you learn about health policy programs in Vermont, it may become clear why admissions requirements are so strict. Health policy is a multidisciplinary field of study that combines hands-on healthcare experience with legislative knowledge, advanced communication skills, medical research, and health sciences.

Before you begin your legislative career, you must be well-versed in many areas of nursing and healthcare. You should understand how policies affect different groups of people, what your responsibility is as a policy expert, the hurdles you may need to jump to pass laws and policies, and how to use your nursing experience to be a better advocate.

To effectively meet these challenges, you may earn more than 40 credits while taking nursing health policy courses like:

  • Public Health and Health Policy
  • Environmental Public Health
  • Biostatistics
  • Policy Organization
  • Financing of Healthcare
  • Epidemiology
  • Public Health Law and Ethics
  • Environmental Risks in Health
  • Tracking Disease and Health Behaviors
  • Health Finance

Your nursing experience is what sets you apart from other policy experts in healthcare, so it is important to stay involved in the nursing community and continue working as a registered nurse. Through the Vermont Board of Nursing, you must renew your nursing license by the last day of March in every odd-numbered year.

How Do Nurses Impact Healthcare Policy in Vermont?

Healthcare is an essential part of the social safety net in Vermont, so there are many government agencies, nonprofit groups, and corporations that are heavily invested in health policies and laws.

Getting involved with the Vermont State Nurses Association puts you in a position to contribute to their legislative efforts, which in recent months have included the regulation of dental practitioners, the prohibition of personal care products that use microbeads, and ensuring health insurance coverage for hearing aids.

Your work may not be limited to nursing associations and nursing-related bills. The Vermont Public Health Association is one of the most active voices in healthcare policy in this state.

The future of the healthcare industry will be decided by those who are willing to take their education to the next level and devote their careers to policy and law.

If you are ready to take that step, request information from graduate healthcare policy programs in Vermont.

Hospice Nursing in Vermont

As a registered nurse, have you ever had the chance to work with hospice patients? The unique demands of this specialty require extensive training and experience.

If you feel called to hospice care, you could help families through some of the most difficult times in their lives. Vermont’s aging population is growing, as is the case in other New England states. As the population grows older, the need for hospice caregivers expands. Through the Hospice and Palliative Care Council of Vermont, hospice nurses can learn about new options for palliative care and find ways to support families.

Discover how you can take this step in your career by getting in touch with palliative care nursing programs.

Master’s Degree Programs in Hospice/Palliative Care Nursing in Vermont

Getting accepted to an accredited hospice nursing program is a key component of your long-term career success. You can choose a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist program, since both have options leading to hospice certification.

Many NP programs require at least one year of nursing experience, while many CNS programs require more work experience. You need a Bachelor’s degree in nursing from an accredited program, as well as a current nursing license.

After getting accepted to a Master’s program, you can look into scholarships. There are quite a few federal and state programs for advanced nursing students. As a hospice student, you may apply for the $2,000 Master’s degree scholarships offered by the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Foundation each year.

Palliative Care Certification Courses

  • Preparation of Care Plans
  • Grief, Loss, and Bereavement
  • End-of-Life Nursing Care
  • Essentials in Patient Communication
  • Cultural Considerations in Hospice Care
  • Legal Issues in Hospice Care
  • Ethical Issues in Hospice Care

Your 40 to 50 credit hours of coursework should also leave you with over 500 hours of clinical work. Not only is clinical work important for your overall palliative care nursing education, it is part of becoming a licensed CNS or NP through the Vermont Board of Nursing.

As a licensed nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist, you can start the process of certification. The Hospice and Palliative Credentialing Center has the same education requirements as the Vermont Board of Nursing, but they also require 500 hours of experience over a period of one year or 1,000 hours of experience over a period of two years.

The Role of Hospice/Palliative Care Nurses in Vermont

You may begin applying for hospice jobs before you complete your education, particularly if you are already signed up to take the NP or CNS licensing exams. Since certification cannot occur until you have advanced nursing experience in hospice, you may begin working as soon as you become licensed.

Some of the largest hospice employers in Vermont are Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice, Addison County Home Health and Hospice, and Lamellae Home Health & Hospice.

As you adjust to this field, you may learn how to balance the needs of your patients and their families. Patients have a wide range of medical, emotional, and psychological needs that you must attend to, while your care of families is typically limited to emotional support. Since you’re going into advanced practice, your duties may include medication prescriptions, documentation and scheduling, and care plan creation.

If you’re ready to earn hospice nursing certification, Vermont schools have the training opportunities you need.

Browse the list of schools on this site and reach out to advanced hospice nursing programs that interest you.