Master’s in Nursing Schools in Delaware

Delaware residents, like those in many other states, can benefit from an increase in the number of advanced practice nurses in the state. With a Master’s in Nursing, you can further your career in research, management, or patient care. Whether you currently have an Associate’s in Nursing or a Bachelor’s in Nursing, you can often find a Master’s program in Connecticut that can accommodate you. Even if you have a non-nursing degree, there are routes to obtain an MSN in Connecticut that take your previous education into account.

Nursing facilities and services in Delaware are known for their high marks in patient satisfaction and recommendation rates, according to the Delaware Gazette. As an advanced practice nurse, nurse researcher, or nurse educator, you can be part of the growing community of nursing excellence in Delaware, demonstrating what it means to be a leader within the profession of nursing.

There is also quite a bit of support for nurses that want to advance their education in this state. The Campaign for Change in Delaware is actively trying to increase the amount of nurses with higher-level degrees. In addition, the Campaign for Change is trying to increase the amount of freedom enjoyed by advanced practice nurses in Delaware.

Nursing Education in Delaware

If you have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing already, you may be able to graduate in as little as two years with your Master’s. A four-year commitment may be required if you are going from an Associate’s in Nursing to a Master’s in Nursing. Some programs are meant to be completed on a part-time basis, so they require approximately three years of study. You will also find that there are options for an online MSN in Delaware, which may be the most flexible choice.

All concentrations tend to require the same courses, including Politics and Policy in Healthcare, Research in Nursing, and Advancement of Nursing Science. However, the classes beyond your core courses are determined by your specialty. Leadership programs may require courses like Leadership Development and Management in Advanced Nursing Practice. Direct care programs often include courses like Primary Care for Adults and Advanced Pharmacology. The MSN/MBA option combines business courses with nursing courses.

Public and private organizations in Delaware support nurses with a variety of scholarship programs. Christiana Care Health System awards scholarships that cover the full cost of tuition; winners must commit to working for Christiana Care for one year after graduation. The Department of Education funds the Scholarship Incentive Program, which is available to graduate students at private Delaware universities.

Working With Your MSN in Delaware

The state of Delaware offers many opportunities for nurses who have their MSN degree, including an informatics nurse specialist and a clinical nurse specialist. While there are several options for nursing professions with an MSN, we have detailed salary and growth statistics for just a couple of options below.

For more information on MSN degree programs, including curriculum and costs, contact one of the schools listed on this page.

Nursing Schools in Delaware

Delaware Technical Community College-Stanton/Wilmington
Wilmington, DE

What You Can Expect From Your MSN Program

Whether you’re currently working in a nursing home, hospital, or community nursing setting, you’ve likely discovered what a rewarding and exciting field nursing can be to work in. You also are likely aware that there are several advanced positions in the nursing field that can give you the chance to take on more responsibility and increase your earning potential. If you’re considering furthering your education with an MSN in Delaware, there may be many reasons to start expanding your education now. You can find Master’s in Nursing programs in Delaware here on our site to begin. Request program materials from those you are interested in to learn more about your options.

Many people who begin MSN programs do so in order to become nurse practitioners. According to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Delaware has full freedom of practice for nurse practitioners. This positive work environment permits you to use your education and training to their full extent, functioning as an essential primary care provider in the state.

Nursing leadership is another possible career choice for graduate prepared nurses in Delaware. The U Daily reports on the importance of nursing leadership. In fact, several Delaware nurse leaders were recently inducted into the American Academy of Nursing, as a result of their efforts and accomplishments in nursing.

Furthering your education with an MSN can help you contribute to the high standards of nursing care in Delaware. Delaware health care employers understand the importance of nurses and do all they can recognize them. The Cape Gazette reports on the Delaware Excellence in Nursing Practice Awards, which are often given to nursing professionals in specialty fields.

You need a BSN if you want to enter a traditional MSN program. This allows you to complete your MSN in about two years if you attend full-time or three years if you attend school part-time. Since a Bachelor’s degree begins developing your critical thinking skills and your broader understanding of the nursing field, you can expect an MSN program to have the same goals, only broader in scope and more detailed in execution.

One of the earliest steps in beginning an MSN program in Delaware is choosing your specialty. Your specialty determines how long you’re in school and which classes you take, so it’s incredibly important to ensure you choose something you enjoy. Furthermore, it limits your career choices, so take your time making this choice. If you enjoy working with patients in a clinical setting, you may enjoy becoming a nurse anesthetist, nurse midwife, or nurse practitioner. Nurses that want to work in an administrative setting may benefit from programs in nurse leadership, nursing education, or research.

Prior to starting your specialty courses, you’ll likely complete a set of core MSN courses with other students in your cohort. Classes you may have to take include Issues in Nursing and Health Care, Theoretical Foundations of Nursing, and Nursing Research. Completing these courses can give you insight into issues affecting nursing and how you’ll fit into this field with an advanced degree.

If you go into advanced clinical care, you may take courses like Advanced Health Assessment, Advanced Pathophysiology, and The Nurse Practitioner Care Role. Nursing education students may enroll in classes like Nursing Education Theories and Strategies, Curriculum Development in Nursing, and Assessment in Nursing. Leadership Concepts in Nursing, Health Care Economics, and Workforce Issues for Nurse Administrators are common courses in nurse administration programs.

Financial aid tends to be widely available for nursing students, but it’s still important to apply early and often for scholarships and grants. Many schools offer school-specific scholarships, including the Barton B. Rinehart Fellowship, the Helen E. Bancroft Scholarship, and the Class of 1939 Nursing Scholarship. Those who want to become nurse anesthetists may apply for scholarships through the Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists.

You already know what a big role nurses play in Delaware health care. Expand your role even more with an MSN, proving to yourself, your patients and your state that you are dedicated to improving health and advancing your profession.

Delaware RN to MSN Bridge Programs

As a nurse in Delaware, you may have discovered that you love the field of healthcare and the fast-paced nature of nursing work. However, maybe you’ve reached the limitations of your current education. Perhaps you’re ready to take on an expanded role in direct practice, direct the future of nursing via research, or become a leader in your place of employment. RN-to-MSN bridge programs in Delaware are designed to bridge the gap between a diploma or Associate’s degree in nursing and a Master’s degree in nursing. If you are ready to take the next step, keep reading to learn more about this exciting degree opportunity, then contact the schools on our site that interest you.

Before you start applying to RN-to-MSN programs in Delaware, make sure that you are a good fit for these programs. You do need an Associate’s degree to be considered, and it’s likely that your school may require you to have exceptional grades from your prior degree program. Nursing work experience is also a must. While most schools only require one year of full-time nursing experience, some schools insist on two years or more.

Once you get into a degree program in Delaware, you can start getting familiar with your curriculum and what’s expected of you. Your first semester or two may introduce you to concepts of advanced nursing via classes like Philosophical and Theoretical Basis of Nursing Science, Advanced Pathophysiology, and Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics. As you progress through your curriculum, you may take more advanced courses like Responsible Conduct of Nursing Research and The Structure of Nursing Higher Education.

Plan on spending a few years completing your RN-to-MSN bridge program. Most schools require a three-year commitment, although some schools offer two-year accelerated programs. Though you may complete many online courses in the beginning part of your curriculum, you do need to earn clinical hours near the end.

Delaware students may be able to choose from a promising selection of nursing grants, nursing scholarships, and loan repayment programs. It’s important to check for opportunities early and often to ensure that you do not miss deadlines or new scholarships. Christiana Care Health System is a local employer that provides scholarships to employees and student nurses. Are you interested in a career in nurse anesthesia? The Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists funds scholarships for student members that want to stay in nurse anesthesia in Delaware. Bayhealth, which owns two hospitals in Delaware, helps students with tuition assistance and grant options.

The Delaware Board of Nursing has restrictions in place for those who want to work in an advanced clinical specialty as a nurse. This includes nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, nurse practitioners, and clinical nurse specialists. Those nurses in education, research and administration just need to maintain a valid RN license throughout the duration of their career.

You may find that there are quite a few job openings in Delaware, thanks to expected job growth throughout the state.

As an advanced practice nurse, you may contribute to health care excellence in Delaware while advancing your own career. We recommend contacting local RN-to-MSN schools to get more information and discover what you can do with an MSN.

Delaware Direct Entry MSN

In just about any field of study, a Master’s degree can open up doors for you that a Bachelor’s degree cannot. This is particularly true in nursing, where professionals with Master’s degrees can see patients independently, spearhead research efforts, serve as nurse leaders in various settings, and educate nurses at the undergraduate level. No matter what your first Bachelor’s degree focuses on, you may be able to use this degree to start an accelerated MSN program in Delaware.

Direct entry MSN programs give you the opportunity to earn your BSN and MSN in one accelerated program that lasts between 18 and 24 months. Since this program packs several years of education into two years or less, you may need to put off work or only work part-time while earning your degree. In fact, some schools in Delaware require you to sign a contract that limits your work hours while classes are in session.

If you do not meet the prerequisite science requirements for a BSN or MSN, you may need to complete these courses before you start a direct entry MSN program. You will likely need a chemistry course with a lab component, Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Statistics, and an introductory course in human development.

Plan on working through Bachelor’s-level courses fairly quickly in a Direct Entry Master’s in Nursing programs. Your first semester or even two semesters may be a whirlwind, with courses like Pathophysiology, Fundamentals of Nursing Care, Nursing Procedures, and Ethics of Nursing. Many of these courses have strict clinical requirements, so you may spend several hundred hours in local hospitals, clinics, or nursing homes.

Once you’ve met the state’s requirements for an RN license, you can move onto graduate-level courses. These classes do differ depending on your chosen career path, but you can plan on taking core classes like Leadership in Nursing, Health Promotion Across the Lifespan, Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology, and Advanced Health Assessment.

Numerous scholarship and financial aid opportunities are available for nursing students in Delaware. You can consider scholarships and grants from private sources, as well as federal funding options. The Delaware Department of Education has the Scholarship Incentive Program, which funds up to $1,000 per year for graduate students. The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration has several federal financial aid opportunities. The NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program pays off part of your loans in exchange for service in an underserved area. Their scholarship program offers funds to students that agree to a two-year service contract. If you’re interested in becoming a nurse anesthetist, the Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists may have a scholarship opportunity for you.

When you compare nursing jobs to jobs in other fields, you may find that nursing jobs have a far more promising outlook. And because Delaware has a higher cost of living than many other states, nursing salaries tend to be higher than the national average.

To start your nursing career, you must get the appropriate license from the State of Delaware Board of Nursing. Some careers may just require a standard RN license, but careers like nurse midwifery, nurse anesthesia, and nurse practitioner require advanced licensing.

If you consider how much nurses do for their patients and for health care communities, it’s obvious that becoming a nurse can help you have a huge impact on your city. All types of advanced degree nurses, from researchers to direct care providers, can improve the standard of care in Delaware.

Reach out to the Delaware nursing schools that offer Direct Entry MSN routes to learn more about how you can enter the nursing profession with your Master’s degree.

Delaware CRNA Programs

Pain relief is an important part of many medical procedures. A patient that is in pain is often unable to control themselves, leading to an increased risk of surgical accidents, infection, and death. That’s why, in the late 1800s, surgeons started to realize the need for dedicated anesthesia professionals. As a registered nurse, you likely already know the importance of anesthesia and proper pain relief. If you’re interested in earning an MSN, you may be on the way to a career in nurse anesthesia.

Nurse anesthesia is a growing field in Delaware. In fact, aspiring CRNAs and working CRNAs may network by joining the Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists. As this field expands and nurse anesthetists gain more practice rights in Delaware, you may find that more and more hospitals, medical centers, and surgical centers start turning to nurse anesthetists for their anesthesia needs.

If you have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing, you may be ready to start looking into CRNA programs in Delaware. These programs can help you discover the skills you need to work as an advanced nursing professional in any health care setting. You may learn how to work with patients with different pain management needs, from laboring women to people who are undergoing major surgery.

You may spend a significant amount of time with each patient. After prepping them for anesthesia, talking them through the procedure, and actually administering the medication, you may stay with them as they undergo their procedure. As the anesthesia wears off, you may be on hand to offer further pain relief or observe the patient for possible side effects. This is a multifaceted job that really requires you to be dedicated to the wellbeing of your patients.

Are you ready to play a major role in caring for patients across Delaware? You can get started by learning more about this degree and contacting CRNA schools in Delaware directly from our site.

Admissions and Curriculum for CRNA Programs in Delaware

Admissions requirements for CRNA programs vary between schools. However, in general, you must meet educational and experience standards if you want to be accepted to a nurse anesthesia program. A BSN is required except in the case of an RN-to-MSN program, which is intended as a bridge to graduate study for Associate’s degree graduates. A statistics course is typically required, since nursing research is such a prominent part of this degree. Work experience is a must. Most CRNA programs require 1-3 years of work experience in critical care, acute care, or emergency care.

Once you have been accepted to the CRNA program of your choice, you can start preparing for your courses. Keep in mind that this program lasts about 36 months and requires full-time study; few schools have a part-time option for nurse anesthesia students. In the early part of your education, you may meet the academic requirements of your degree. This involves taking courses like Introduction to Nurse Anesthesia, Pharmacology in Nurse Anesthesia, Advanced Health Assessment, and Advanced Ethics in Nursing Care.

The second part of your education focuses on the extensive clinical requirements you must meet. Throughout the course of your education, you may be expected to complete over 500 hours in different clinical settings. These requirements may put you in contact with laboring women, chronic pain patients, and surgical patients. Your performance in each clinical setting is an extremely important part of your grade, so it’s essential to make a good impression.

There are many nursing scholarships available for MSN students in Delaware. The Christiana Care Health System offers several scholarships and grants to employees that plan on returning to school. Similarly, Bayhealth offers tuition assistance and grants to nursing students. As a student member of the Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists, you may be eligible to apply for scholarships.

Working as a Nurse Anesthetist in Delaware

Since you already know what it’s like to work in the nursing field in Delaware, you know how important licensing and certification are. In Delaware, the Delaware Board of Nursing is responsible for the licensure and certification of CRNAs. Once you complete your education, you can apply to take the national certification exam through the National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists. This exam is rigorous; it covers everything you learn in a CRNA program, so it’s important to spend plenty of time studying. Once you pass this test and have the score sent to the Delaware Board of Nursing, you can finish the application to earn your CRNA license in Delaware.

Overall, the job outlook for nurse anesthetists is quite positive.

Nurse anesthesia is often recognized for being one of the highest paying nursing specialties in the United States. Note that a big part of this job is being on call, which may be why it tends to pay so well. You may be expected to come in on nights, weekends, and holidays to meet the needs of your patients.

Patient dedication is often the biggest reason that CRNAs go into this field. You may discover that you enjoy staying with a patient through their entire procedure, ensuring that they are informed about their anesthesia options, and helping them come through procedures safely.

Nurse anesthesia is a growing field that may continue to expand as more health care employers look for affordable ways to offer pain relief to patients. Start your journey to becoming a nurse anesthetist by reaching out to CRNA schools in Delaware today.

Forensic Nursing Graduate Programs in Delaware

In the criminal justice system, there is a conflict between the need to provide immediate, efficient care to crime victims and the need to gather evidence that can be used to catch perpetrators. In the fall out, victims may feel ignored or valuable evidence may be unintentionally destroyed. Master’s-level nurses with advanced training in forensic nursing are the solution to this problem.

In the state of Delaware, forensic nurses provide sexual assault examinations, work with victims of crime, and provide expert testimony on legal cases. To meet the growing need for nurses with criminal justice training, the Delaware Office of Defense Services has a set amount of internships for nurse consulting and forensic nursing students each year. If you are ready to try something new in your nursing career and work and a rapidly growing specialty, contact nursing schools in Delaware to learn more.

Master’s Degree Programs in Forensic Nursing in Delaware

Before you begin a forensic nursing program, you should have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing, a valid registered nursing license, and at least one year of full-time experience. Some schools require more than one year, so it’s important to compare admissions requirements. Although some schools to offer bridge programs for Associate’s degree graduates, the vast majority are designed for nurses with Bachelor’s degrees.

In a forensic nursing program, you may study the legal system of Delaware, crime scene standards and procedures, victimology, psychology of victims and crime, and evidentiary procedures. Legal nurse consulting programs tend to be slightly different.

In this type of nursing degree program, you may take courses like:

  • Criminal Law and Procedure
  • Forensic Science
  • Violence and the Law
  • Legal Research
  • Bioethics in Nursing Practice
  • Legal Issues in Nursing Practice
  • Clinical and Legal Applications of Forensic Nursing

You may consider becoming a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner through the Commission for Forensic Nursing Certification. Certification in this area requires 40 hours of training, a clinical preceptorship, and 300 hours of SANE experience. Through this agency, you can also apply to become an Advanced Forensic Nurse.

If you complete a nurse consulting program, consider applying for Legal Nurse Consultant Certification through the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants.

The Role of Forensic Nurses in Delaware

After studying forensic nursing in Delaware, you may pursue a variety of roles. Most counties have a Sexual Assault Response Team, which may offer an immediate response to reports of sexual assault. In this type of employment, you may travel to different health facilities to provide examinations to victims.

Many private healthcare facilities also have this service. For example, Christiana Care Health System has an entire team of forensic nurses who treat victims of violent crime, obtain patient history, document injuries, and collect evidence. Because of the nature of this specialty, time is of the essence. For that reason, you may have to work nights, weekends, and holidays to ensure that victims get prompt care and evidence is not destroyed.

Are you ready to take the next step in your nursing career? Forensic nursing could be the right career path for you. Get more information on your options now by contacting forensic nursing schools.

Delaware Clinical Nurse Leader Degrees

As a nursing professional, you’re already well aware of the importance of strong leadership in the health care industry. Doctors are no longer considered the natural supervisors for Delaware nurses. They have full schedules that don’t typically allow for management or supervision duties. As a result, an increasing number of Delaware facilities are embracing the experience and education of Clinical Nurse Leaders.

You may find that becoming a nurse leader in Delaware gives you the chance to work in many different settings and nursing specialties. As specialty care becomes more and more important with the Affordable Care Act, the need for highly trained care providers with experience in specialized care settings may continue to grow.

Consider the Delaware Hospital for Chronically Ill (Delaware Public Media). This hospital, which is relatively new to Delaware, received the highest federal rating possible in 2015. As a nurse leader in a Delaware facility, you can build connections between departments, encourage the growth and education of nurses at different levels, and develop care standards for your facility.

The field of nursing will likely continue to grow as the years pass, which means that institutions’ demand for experienced leaders may not go away. Discover what it’s like to work in this industry and how you can earn a Master’s in nurse leadership in Delaware.

How Can I Become a Clinical Nurse Leader in Delaware?

There are several different types of programs that prepare you to work as a nurse leader in Delaware. Look for programs like executive nurse leadership, clinical nurse leadership, and nurse management. If you want to become a Clinical Nurse Leader after graduation, make sure you choose a program that is accepted by the AACN for licensure.

You may evaluate different education options by comparing the courses required in each program. The following courses are found in an executive nurse leadership program:

  • Nursing Leadership for Advanced Practice
  • Statistical Analysis and Interpretation
  • Healthcare Environment: Technology and Health Policy
  • Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice
  • Developing Management Skills
  • Systems Health Leadership
  • Organizational Leadership in Healthcare

On average, Delaware nurse management programs require 39 credits. Many of the courses you take may be hybrid courses, which means that they involve some online work and some clinical or practical work. This course format is intended to allow nurses to continue working while earning a Master’s degree.

Practical experience courses and schedules are decided by each school. Choosing a program that offers clinical rotations and internships may give you the most networking opportunities and put you in a position where you feel confident about taking on a nurse leadership role.

Throughout your education and your career, you must keep renewing your registered nursing license through the Delaware Board of Nursing. Renewal applications are due by September 30 in odd-numbered years. During each two-year cycle, you must complete 30 continuing education credits, three of which must focus on substance abuse.
You can obtain your CNL license through the AACN. You qualify for licensure after passing the three-hour licensing exam. You can then maintain your license by completing 50 continuing education credits every five years and renewing your license every five years.

What Does a Clinical Nurse Leader Do?

The instructors at your college or university should have extensive experience in nurse leadership and management, so you can use their instruction and experience to develop an understanding of the responsibilities you’ll take on in your career. This is another area where an internship or clinical rotation can prepare you for the realities of working in nurse leadership.

Getting involved in local nursing organizations is one way to connect with other nurse leaders and learn about the statewide goals for nursing administration. There are groups like the Delaware Nurses Association and the Delaware Student Nurses Association. However, you should also look into joining a more specialized group like the Delaware Organization of Nurse Leaders. This organization focuses on advocacy and policy, developing the nursing workforce, providing ongoing education opportunities, addressing professional practice issues, and encouraging the improvement of this field through high education standards.

Throughout your career, you may fill slightly different roles with your Master’s degree. Completing your clinical rotations at different institutions may give you some insight as to how health facilities utilize nurse leaders and what they expect.

The infrastructure of the nursing industry is dependent on those who are willing to further their education and give back to the field. Get in touch with advisors at nurse leadership graduate programs in Delaware to talk about your educational path.

Delaware Research Nursing Graduate Programs

During your time as a registered nurse, you may have noticed that there are procedures that aren’t evidence-based or that don’t make the most use of nurses’ time. However, you may not be in a position to implement these changes. If you are ready to use your expertise in nursing to improve the field as a whole, and thereby improve patient care, you may be ready to take the next step in your education.

Nurse researchers are responsible for some of the biggest changes and advances in Delaware health care. After researching the effects and benefits of telemedicine, health insurance companies decided to cover telemedicine in Delaware.

If you want to improve the work environment for fellow nurses and ensure that patients get the care they are entitled to, find out what you can learn at research nursing graduate programs in Delaware.

Delaware Graduate Degree Programs in Nursing Research

Research nursing is a graduate-level program that results in a Master’s of Science in Nursing. Because this is such an advanced program, you must have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing before you can be considered for admission. Most programs do not allow you to transition directly from a Bachelor’s degree to a research nursing degree, since you must often have at least one year of full-time nursing experience. Some schools require up to five years of experience.

If you attend this program full-time, you may be able to graduate in two to three years. You must earn between 30 and 45 credits, depending on which program you choose. Your curriculum includes nursing theory courses, research methods coursework, and research experience classes.

When you begin a research nursing program, you must take a set of core courses. Some of the classes you may take include Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research, Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research, Advanced Health Care Statistics, and Nursing Knowledge Development.

Once you understand the basics of research and what it takes to work in a research setting, you may take higher-level courses like Clinical Nursing Therapeutics and Outcomes, Instrumentation, Behavioral Observation Methods, and Mixed Methods Research.

Since the need for qualified researchers is growing, you may qualify for different financial aid programs as a graduate student. In Delaware, the Department of Health and Human Services provides access to a number of state and federal nursing aid programs.

The Role of Clinical Nurse Researchers in Delaware

When you complete your education, you should have a fairly good understanding of how you want to put your skills to use. Clinical researchers may be hired in diverse work environments like pharmaceutical companies, universities and colleges, medical research facilities, medical supply companies, and government agencies. To keep up on the latest research and what study opportunities are available, you may want to join a group like the Eastern Nursing Research Society.

If the field of nursing is going to keep up with the changing economy, it needs researchers who are dedicated to this industry’s growth. Find out if you have what it takes by reaching out to graduate nursing research programs in Delaware.

Delaware Certified Nurse Midwife Program

The Delaware Nurse Midwives have an organization that features their goals; the Nurse Midwives are ready to meet the needs for your gynecological care, pregnancies and family contraception.

There are many midwifery opportunities available in Delaware, so if you are interested in becoming a Nurse Midwife, this may be the perfect time to talk with the colleges to compare their programs.

Certified Nurse Midwife Programs in Delaware

There are no on-campus programs located in Delaware, but there are two accredited online nurse midwifery programs that are available, which are Frontier Nursing University and Georgetown University. They each offer a graduate degree in Nurse Midwifery, and clinical hours can usually be arranged at a facility near your home.

Delaware’s Board of Nursing for advanced practice nurses requires an active RN license, a graduate degree or certification from a national organization, and if not a new graduate, you must have 600 hours of specialty work over the past two years. Advanced practice nurses must work in collaboration with a physician.

There is a new bill under consideration by Delaware’s legislature that would allow certified nurse midwives to care for women that want to have a home birth. Currently a midwife must be in a collaborative agreement with a doctor, but doctors are not willing to make this arrangement for home births. The reason is the lack of coverage by malpractice insurance. This situation is not unique to Delaware.

Nurse midwives care for women from puberty through menopause. Caring for childbearing women during the prenatal, labor and delivery and the postpartum stage can be very rewarding. If you are considering becoming a nurse midwife in Delaware, this is a good time to contact the schools on our site to learn more.

Becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife in Delaware

The admission criteria for both accredited online colleges is similar. You must be a registered nurse from a nationally credited (CCNE or ACEN) program, have a GPA of 3.0 or better, and you must have one year of clinical experience. Three professional references are required, and if English is not your original language, you must take the TEOFL exam with passing scores.

The nurse-midwifery curriculum typically includes:

  • Principles of Health Promotion
  • Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • Evidence Based Practice
  • Advanced Pathophysiology
  • Advanced Health Assessment
  • Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Across the Lifespan
  • Primary Care of Women
  • Role of the Nurse Midwife
  • Midwifery Care during Labor and Birth
  • Midwifery Care during Pregnancy
  • Midwifery Care during Postpartum
  • Advanced Midwifery Care of the Childbearing Woman
  • Women’s Health
  • Principles of Independent Practice
  • Skills for Advanced Practice
  • Skills for Nurse-Midwifery Care
  • Nurse-Midwifery Clinical I-V

This program includes 49 didactic credits and 15 clinical credits, which totals 64 credits. You will complete approximately 675 clinical hours during a nurse midwifery program.

Following graduation you will be ready to take your national certification exam that is recognized in all 50 states. The test is administered by the American Midwifery Certification Board and the cost $500. This certification ensures others that you have met all your requirements to practice safely, and you have the training to be effective in all situations.

Working as a Nurse Midwife in Delaware

Midwives have integrity with a great concern for others, and their occupation allows them to work in an independent fashion. They may be employed at hospitals, private or public clinics, in doctor’s offices and in many other locations.

You may find this career to be very rewarding, and you also find room for advancement with a higher income. It will help the nursing profession as a whole by expanding the scope of practice for nurses and providing essential healthcare to women and children. To learn more about how to get started, contact the schools.

Delaware Clinical Nurse Specialist Programs

Why did you become a nurse? If you’re like many registered nurses, you want to spend your days helping people, improving the state of health care, and providing patients with evidence-based care. If you are ready to enhance your impact in nursing, you may want to look into expanding your scope of practice and becoming a clinical nurse specialist (CNS).

Review the CNS programs in Delaware that are listed on our site and contact the schools you are interested in to get program details.

Clinical nurse specialists have an extended body of knowledge in a nursing specialty, which allows them to provide high-quality care to patients in a specific scope of practice. As a registered nurse, you may enjoy a strong professional network in Delaware. When you decide to become a clinical nurse specialist, you can benefit from a strong statewide and nationwide community.

The National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists supports clinical nurse specialists in various specialties, allowing you to dedicate time to research and build professional relationships with those in your field. If you’re interested in learning how to take your career to the next level, find out more about clinical nurse specialist programs in Delaware.

Becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Delaware

Clinical nurse specialist programs in Delaware are rigorous Master’s degree programs that are designed for nurses with a Bachelor’s-level education. In addition, you need a history of strong academic performance and work experience as a registered nurse. At minimum, Delaware schools require one year of full-time work as an RN. Some schools require up to three years of experience.

If you meet these requirements and you’re dedicated to becoming a high-level nursing professional, you can get started in a CNS program. Unlike nurse practitioners, anesthetists, and midwives, who focus almost exclusively on patient care, clinical nurse specialists take on many different job duties. In addition to patient care, you should plan on spending time on research and leadership. Because of this, your education must cover practice, nursing research, and management.

In the two to three years spent in a CNS program, you may complete 30 to 40 credits in advanced nursing courses. Classes that may be part of your curriculum include Foundations of Advanced Nursing Practice, Advanced Pathophysiology, Biostatistical Methods, Acute Care for Clinical Nurse Specialists, Evidence-Based Nursing Practice, Advanced Pharmacology, and Outcome Assessments. While completing these courses, you may gain over 500 hours of clinical experience.

While earning your Master’s degree, you may be able to apply for scholarships and grants to cover the cost of your education. The Federal Nurse Scholarship and Loan Repayment Program is active in Delaware, serving students who are willing to work in a rural area.

Christiana Care Health System is one of many Delaware employers that provides graduate nursing scholarships. Through the Delaware Higher Education Office, you may be able to apply for thousands of dollars in nursing aid.

Working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Delaware

Upon completing your education, it’s time to obtain national nurse specialist certification via the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Once you have a valid CNS certificate, you can apply for advanced practice licensure through the State of Delaware Board of Nursing. Once you have an advanced license, you must keep up with continuing education requirements to maintain your license.

Clinical nurse specialists play an important role in the nursing field of Delaware. If you are invested in this industry and ready to take the next step in your career, start by contacting clinical nurse specialist programs in Delaware.

Delaware Public Health Graduate Programs

Caring for entire populations, the public health nursing sector of the medical industry offers career advancement opportunities for you in the state of Delaware. As a public health nurse, you can focus on educating people regarding healthcare issues or improving the safety and health of the community by increasing access to medical care (APHN).

Depending on your certification, education and experience you may:

  • Identify health risks by monitoring a specific community’s health trends
  • Provide increased health benefits by setting local priorities for health interventions
  • Improve medical access for underserved regions by advocating with local and state authorities
  • Inform the population by designing and implementing disease prevention and health education campaigns

In order to work legally as a certified public health nurse, you will need to earn your Master of Science in Nursing with a focus on community health, but make sure to enroll in a college that is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. Accreditation ensures you are properly prepared for the certification exam after graduation.

Check out available public health master’s degree programs in Delaware today.

Master’s Degree Programs in Public Health Nursing in Delaware

If you have already earned your registered nurse license and bachelor’s degree, then you can enroll in a master’s degree program, which can take an additional two to three years of full-time classroom instruction. If you haven’t earned your BSN yet, RN to MSN programs focus on teaching you the necessary skills to synthesize and evaluate the applicability of knowledge from research and theory to health policy and nursing practice.

As a public health nursing student, you may take courses in:

  • Advanced pathophysiology
  • Health assessment
  • Nursing research
  • Nursing leadership in acute care settings
  • Theory and practice in health care systems in the community

All public health nursing programs in Delaware require you to fulfill a corresponding clinical practicum, which will provide you with essential hands-on experience under proper supervision. You will need to complete at least 500 hours in a clinical setting before you can graduate with your master’s degree.

Click on the schools below to learn more about the curriculum for public health nursing graduate programs in Delaware.

If you are in need of financial assistance, many colleges offer medical scholarships that you may qualify for. The federal government and certain medical institutes, such as the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, also provide scholarships and loan assistance programs that you can take advantage of. In order to qualify for federal student aid, you will need to fill out the FAFSA form.

The Role of Public Health Nurses in Delaware

As a public health nurse in DE, you may find employment opportunities in the following settings:

  • Health departments
  • Homes
  • Community health centers
  • Clinics
  • Correctional facilities
  • Schools

Most employers require you to be certified in public health. You can specialize in this sector of nursing by sitting for the qualifying exam offered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center.

Start your career as a successful public health nurse today by enrolling in an accredited college in Delaware.

Graduate Nursing Programs in Healthcare Policy in Delaware

No matter where you work in the Delaware healthcare industry, your work and decisions are partially limited by the policies put in place at the local, state, and national levels. These policies may not be practical, based in evidence, or in patients’ best interests.

By combining your nursing experience with a graduate degree in healthcare policy, you can fill an important void in health policy in Delaware.

Your previous experience and knowledge in the field of nursing can be extremely beneficial to Delaware residents, Delaware nurses, and others who are impacted by the healthcare industry. Delaware recently passed legislation that permits nurse practitioners to work independently in specific situations (University of Delaware, 2015). This particular victory has been in the making for several years and can be attributed to the hard work and lobbying of experienced nurses.

By shifting your career focus from practice to policy, you can make the decisions and laws that determine how nurses work and what they can do for patients.

Learn more about this process by requesting information from graduate programs in healthcare policy in Delaware.

Master’s Degree Programs in Healthcare Policy in Delaware

As you start to learn about healthcare policy schools in Delaware, you may find that many of them combine policy with management and public health. This is due to how intertwined public health and policy are. Many policies are made with public health in mind, as decisions that improve public health outcomes and are applicable to the entire population are more likely to receive funding.

If you’d like to focus your education on one area of policy, check out course listings for various schools to find a curriculum that is in line with your interests. The following courses and more may be part of your education:

  • Current and Emerging Issues in Public Health
  • Epidemiology
  • Research Methods in Health Policy
  • Public Health Advocacy
  • Public Health Policy and Legal Issues
  • Health Program Planning

Many graduate programs in this area of study require field work. The type of field work you are allowed to complete depends on your performance at the graduate level, the type of experience you have, and which part of Delaware you live in. Internships and practicum courses may place you in nonprofit agencies, government agencies, community clinics, and lobbying groups.

Keeping your registered nursing license valid is an essential part of working as a healthcare policy nurse. Currently, the Delaware Board of Nursing requires renewal by September 30 of every odd-numbered year. When you renew, you must also have proof of at least 30 continuing education hours in the past two years.

How Do Nurses Impact Healthcare Policy in Delaware?

If you have never explored healthcare policy, you may be curious about the role that nurses play in this highly political environment. When you look at healthcare and nursing laws that have been passed over the years, you may find that graduate-level nurses are behind many of them.

With a Master’s degree in health policy, you have the authority and expertise needed to be a valuable asset to legislators and a leader in the nursing community. Working as a nurse gives you first-hand experience with various policies, how they affect patients, and what challenges healthcare workers face every day. You may also affect policy by working with groups like the Delaware Nurses Association.

The Delaware Campaign for Action is a grassroots organization that focuses specifically on healthcare policy. They are part of the Data Integrity Project, which makes research and raw data more readily available to nurses. Other long-term goals they have established include increased diversity in nursing, legal language used in nursing policies, and full practice rights for all APRNs.

The goals of healthcare policy will undoubtedly change from year to year. No matter what, the nursing industry needs nurses who are educated in policy and who will be a voice for the nursing community.

Start your search by checking out healthcare policy Master’s degree programs in Delaware.

Hospice Nursing in Delaware

When an incurable illness strikes, it’s difficult for patients and family members to handle the staggering reality of death. Furthermore, this stage of life presents complex ethical healthcare issues regarding treatment, pain management, and patients’ choices. For these reasons, hospice nursing is an incredibly important part of healthcare. Hospice nurses take families by the hand, help them navigate the process of securing care, provide updates on a patient’s status, and ensure that both patients and family members get the emotional support they need.

If you are looking for a way to take your nursing career to the next level, you may feel pulled to the field of palliative care nursing. As a hospice and palliative nurse, you become one of the most important individuals in the lives of patients and loved ones.

As you start the journey to CHPN certification, there are many local resources and organizations that can help you. The Delaware Association for Home and Community Care serves patients and care providers alike.

Explore advanced training options in hospice nursing with the list of Delaware schools.

Master’s Degree Programs in Hospice/Palliative Care Nursing in Delaware

Hospice care is a highly specialized part of nursing, which is why it’s essential to get the very best training that is available to you. The first step is choosing a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist Master’s degree program.

In both options, you choose a population or specialized area of care you would like to focus on. This includes options like family care, gerontology, pediatrics, and adult care. From there, you can further specialize your degree by completing a certificate in hospice and palliative care. All in all, plan on completing at least 1000 hours of clinical work to become certified as a hospice nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist.

Course Options for Advanced Hospice Nursing Students

  • Foundations of Palliative Care
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Chronic Illness Care
  • Leadership and Management in Palliative Care

Once you know that you want to focus on hospice care, you can start looking into financial aid options. As hospice care grows, the demand for nursing professionals who understand the intricacies of palliative care continues to expand. Through the Hospice & Palliative Nurses Foundation, Master’s degree students may apply for a $2000 scholarship.

To work in the state of Delaware, you must get an advanced practice license from the Delaware Board of Nursing. Before applying for the title of Advanced Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse through the Hospice & Palliative Credentialing Center, you must get at least 500 hours of palliative nursing experience over a period of one year.

The Role of Hospice/Palliative Care Nurses in Delaware

By the time you become a certified hospice and palliative nurse, you should be an expert in what your role is in patient care and leadership. There are several aspects to this role. You may create care plans for patients, focusing on pain relief and possibly the treatment or management of diseases. Each patient’s specific requests determine the scope of a care plan and how much medical intervention is provided.

Communication is a huge aspect of this nursing specialty. Patients may have a limited understanding of what they’re going through, which can also cause distress to family members. Through open communication and education, you can help everyone involved get through it. Teamwork is essential in hospice care, since many patients receive around-the-clock care. You may work with or supervise nurses, CNAs, and other care providers to ensure that patients’ needs are met.

Hospice is offered at many Delaware facilities, providing a diverse array of employment options. Some of the largest hospice centers in this state include Delaware Hospice, VITAS Healthcare, and Compassionate Care Hospice.

Every patient deserves to pass on in a way that is respectful of their wishes, pain-free, and comfortable. If you study palliative care nursing, Delaware patients can benefit greatly from your knowledge.

Explore your educational options now and contact graduate nursing programs.