Master’s in Nursing Schools in Connecticut

Regardless of what end goals you have for your nursing career, earning your Master’s degree in Connecticut can provide you with the education and skills you need to expand your practice as a professional nurse. Connecticut has recently gone through many legislative changes that affect how Master’s-level nurses work, making this state a more supportive environment for advanced practice nurses.

Connecticut now allows nurse practitioners and other advanced practice registered nurses to practice independently without physician oversight. You still need to have an initial three-year collaboration with a physician; however, after meeting that requirement, you can work without the oversight or supervision of a physician. This freedom of practice extends to many Master’s-level nurses, including nurse anesthetists, certified nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners.

If you want to work in the research sector, there’s a large nursing research community in Connecticut. The Connecticut Nursing Research Alliance aims to improve care outcomes by defining evidence-based care, support the work of research nurses, and expand the currently-available body of nursing research.

To find out more about your options for Master’s programs in Connecticut, request information from the nursing schools on our site, paying attention to program details, accreditation status and other important factors.

Nursing Schools in Connecticut

There are many nursing schools in Connecticut that offer advanced nursing degrees in specialties like public health nursing, nursing education, nursing management, neonatal care, and patient care services. Most programs start with a core curriculum that all Master’s in Nursing students must complete. Typical courses include Advanced Clinical Assessment, Technology in Advanced Nursing Practice, Ethics for Advanced Nursing Practice and Advanced Pharmacology.

After the core classes, each curriculum splits off into its own direction. Nursing anesthetist courses include Basic Principles of Nurse Anesthesia, Advanced Pathophysiology for Nurse Anesthetists, and an extensive clinical course each semester. Common courses in a nurse midwifery program include Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology, Prenatal Care in Nurse-Midwifery, and Skills for Nurse Midwifery.

Your program length depends on what kind of education you have. Some programs allow you to enter with an Associate’s degree in nursing; this path requires about four years of coursework. With a Bachelor’s degree, you may be able to graduate in two years. As Connecticut nursing schools respond to the call to provide seamless pathways for progression in nursing, you will find many different bridge programs available. Select those you are interested in and request program materials to learn more about your specific choice.

Scholarships can make your education more affordable, especially since there are many scholarships that can be renewed. The Connecticut Nurses’ Foundation awards seven different scholarships every year. The National Student Nurses’ Association funds scholarships of $1,000 to $5,000 each. If you are looking for a national program, look into the NURSE Corps Scholarship Program.

Working With Your MSN in Connecticut

There are many exciting career opportunities for masters prepared nurses in the state of Connecticut. A few of these opportunities include careers as a nurse anesthetists or a nurse educator.

According to the Connecticut Department of Labor, many medical professions are in high demand, including health educators, anesthesiologists, obstetricians, and primary care practitioners. Now that advanced practice nurses in these fields can work independently, you may be able to fill the need left by the growing demand by getting your MSN in Connecticut.

In particular, primary care practitioners are in short supply across the state. The Connecticut Primary Care Office notes that many urban and rural areas in Connecticut are underserved.

As a nurse anesthetist it is your job to ensure that patients are properly and safely sedated during surgeries and procedures. You will likely be employed in a hospital or surgery center setting in this career.

Working as a nurse educator provides masters prepared nurses with the opportunity to pass on their skills and knowledge to nursing students still in school, and staff nurses within a clinical setting.

To find out more, request program information from the schools on this site.

What You Can Expect From Your MSN Program

In the state of Connecticut, if you are currently working as a registered nurse, you’re likely already doing your part to address the ongoing shortage of nurses as it relates to healthcare in CT. However, if you want to advance your education and play a larger role in the advancement of Connecticut health care, you may be able to reach your career goals while advancing the nursing shortage by earning your Master’s of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree.

An MSN is a graduate-level nursing degree that focuses on advanced clinical care, nursing scholarship and research, and the development of health care policy that is in line with patient needs. Since those with MSN degrees have so much responsibility in the workplace, many schools have stringent admissions requirements. Most schools require at least one year of full-time nursing experience, so you may not be able to move directly from a BSN to an MSN without working for a while first. Connecticut schools also have tough academic requirements; you may need a 3.0 or higher GPA from your BSN program to be accepted.

You may want to consider your long-term career goals before enrolling in an MSN program, since many schools require you to select a specialty before you start. A popular choice is nurse practitioner. Nurse practitioners offer many essential primary care services, so this may be an option for you if you want to work independently. Nurse practitioner courses include Advanced Nursing Care of Families, Advanced Pharmacology, Advanced Health Assessment, and Primary Care Practicum. In your clinical hours, you may work in specialties like pediatrics, radiology, obstetrics, and oncology.

Nurse leadership is another popular choice in Connecticut; students may take courses like Health Care Informatics for Nursing Practice, Roles of the Clinical Nurse Leader, and Legal Issues in Health Care. A field like nursing education may require classes like Curriculum Development in Nursing and Teaching Methods in Nurse Instruction.

As Connecticut institutions attempt to meet the growing need for nurse practitioners, nurse educators, and other advanced nursing professionals, many organizations may offer scholarships to entice nursing professionals back to school. Look into Connecticut-based grants like the New Beginnings Nursing Master’s Scholarship and the Dr. Joseph B. Cherry Memorial Nursing Scholarship. The Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association funds scholarships in memory of Frances Tompkins. Each year, the Connecticut Nurses’ Foundation awards over $13,000 in scholarships to nursing students.

When you look at the job outlook for advanced practice nurses in Connecticut, you realize quickly that the state is in great need of nurses in different specialties. Job growth rates are typically on par with national averages, although in some fields, Connecticut job growth rates can be higher.

The Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing is responsible for advanced nursing licensure. They do require you to maintain an RN license before you apply for advanced practice licensure. You must also pass exams directly related to your field of expertise.

Whether you’re interested in research, advanced patient care, leadership, or education, now may be the right time to get an MSN in Connecticut. The CT Post reports that the state’s shortage of nurse practitioners is so severe that a local school received a federal grant for its NP program. Advanced education can improve any field, and that’s particularly true in nursing, where higher education can lead to better outcomes for patients.

Connecticut RN to MSN Bridge Programs

Health care is a big part of life in New England, perhaps because of the state’s large retired population and the amount of young families that settle in this area. As a Connecticut RN, you may have worked in a nursing home, hospital, clinic, or other health care setting. If you’re ready to use your education and training in a more advanced setting, now may be the time to consider an RN-to-MSN program in Connecticut. There are many ways to use this advanced degree, from research and education to anesthesia and midwifery. No matter what your nursing aspirations are, learn more about RN-to-MSN programs today but requesting information directly from the schools on our site.

An RN-to-MSN bridge program in Connecticut can be a considerable commitment, so it’s crucial to make sure that you have the time needed to complete this degree program. If you attend school full-time, which many schools require, you may spend three years in school completing your degree. Typically, the first year is spent completing your BSN and the last two years focus on Master’s-level courses. If you attend school part-time, you may graduate in four to five years.

Though much of your coursework may be completed online in an RN-to-MSN program, you may also be expected to meet stringent clinical requirements laid out by your school. Generally, RN-to-MSN programs require at least 400 clinical hours. However, many require closer to 600 or 700 hours. If you are currently working as a nurse, you may be able to complete these hours at your place of employment.

The curriculum for your program is largely dependent on which career path you decide to follow, so spend some time looking at your options and choose wisely. You may start with courses like Nursing Theories and Conceptual Models, Legal Issues in Health Care, and Research in Nursing. Clinical students may take courses like Advanced Clinical Practice and Role of the Family Nurse Practitioner. In nursing education, you may take courses like The Role of Nurse Educators and Nursing Curriculum Development.

Since Connecticut has a fairly prominent nursing shortage in many places, there are quite a few grant and scholarship opportunities throughout the state. The Connecticut Student Nurses Association offers a wide range of nursing scholarship, including the Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association Scholarship. The Connecticut Nurses’ Foundation awards over $13,000 in scholarships every school year. There are 23 separate scholarships available through this organization. Another popular resource is the Connecticut League for Nursing, which provides scholarships for students that want to stay and work in Connecticut.

As is the case with registered nurses, advanced practice nurses in Connecticut must seek licensure through the Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. You should keep your RN license valid throughout your education to make this process easier.

Earning an MSN can strengthen the nursing community as a whole while expanding your personal and professional fulfillment as a nurse. Connecticut has many RN-to-MSN bridge programs that can help you get started. Contact them now for more information.

Connecticut Direct Entry MSN

The region of New England has a significant range of opportunities for those with nursing degrees. But if you have a Bachelor’s degree in a different field, you may be wary of earning another undergraduate degree and taking on more school expenses. With direct entry MSN programs in Connecticut, you may be able to earn a graduate-level degree and start a nursing career that offers you both a rewarding career and leadership opportunities.
To find out more about Direct Entry Master’s in Nursing programs in Connecticut, simply contact the schools on this page and request additional information.

Before you start planning for your new career, you’ll want to ensure that you meet the prerequisite requirements for direct entry MSN programs in Connecticut. These programs are extremely fast-paced. Most schools admit a cohort of students and require all students to take the same curriculum of courses altogether. As a result, there’s usually no time to catch up on missing prerequisites. Your advisors will check to see if you’ve completed courses like Human Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Chemistry with satisfactory grades. It’s likely that you’ll need a 3.0 GPA or higher from your undergraduate degree to be accepted.

Once you’ve been accepted to an accelerated MSN program in Connecticut, you may start with lower-level nursing courses. You may be able to take these courses and then apply for your RN license. Because you need several hundred clinical hours to get a registered nursing (RN) license, you may spend lots of time out in the health care community. As you move onto graduate courses, you may get experience in classes like Legal Issues in Nursing, Evidence-Based Nursing Practice, Advanced Health Assessment, and Transforming Nursing Through Leadership.

All in all, it’s likely that you’ll complete over 1,000 clinical hours over the course of 18 to 24 months. You may get experience in different settings, like health care clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes. This can prepare you for careers with a variety of nursing employers.

Earning a Master’s degree can be a costly endeavor, but if you spend a little bit of time filling out applications and writing essays, you may be able to get some scholarship money. Nursing scholarships may close midway through the year for the next academic year, so it’s important to apply as early as you can. Nurse practitioner students may qualify for a $1,000 scholarship through the Connecticut Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Society. There are over 20 scholarships available each year through the Connecticut Nurses’ Foundation. The Connecticut Student Nurses Foundation funds scholarships from $1,000 to $5,000.

At the very least, you’ll need a registered nurse license from the Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. If you are becoming a nurse administrator, nurse educator, nurse researcher, or nurse informatics specialist, you simply have to maintain RN licensure throughout the course of your career. If, however, you are going into a direct care specialty, you’ll need to complete the advanced practice licensing process.

Typically, nursing salaries in Connecticut are higher than the national average, perhaps due to the higher cost of living in this state.

As more Connecticut residents get health insurance and begin seeking out high-quality health care, your position as a graduate-level nurse may put you a great position to influence Connecticut medical care. No matter what setting and specialty you work in, your expertise can have great benefits for you and for the people of your community. Contact the CT nursing schools on our site to learn more.

Connecticut CRNA Programs

Nurse anesthesia may have been a relatively small field for many years, but it has recently exploded both in popularity and demand. Thanks to changes in American health care law, more and more Connecticut residents have started to get the health insurance they need to stay healthy. This has led to a need for anesthetic professionals that can help prepare patients for labor, surgery, or trauma care. If you have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing and you’ve spent some time gaining RN experience, you may be interested in pursuing a CRNA degree in Connecticut.

Though this may seem like a fairly new specialty in nursing, nurse anesthetists have actually been around for over 100 years. In the late 1800s, surgeons realized that nurses were the right medical personnel to tackle the growing need for anesthesia. As a result, the field of nurse anesthesia was born. Now, nurse anesthetists are an incredibly important part of the nursing field and the medical field as a whole.

While CRNAs have considerably more responsibility than registered nurses, they work in very similar settings. You may come across patients with differing medical needs, medical histories, and pain relief needs, even during the course of just one shift. Your clientele may include patients with chronic pain, patients who are delivering babies, and patients who are heading into surgery. That’s why it’s important to choose a CRNA program that focuses heavily on practical experience. Learning how to work in many different hospital wings can prepare you for a variety of careers in this field.

If you’re ready to put your BSN to use in an exciting new career opportunity, now is a great time to learn about CRNA programs in Connecticut. Keep reading to find out what this job entails and what it means to get a nurse anesthesia degree. You can also contact schools directly from our site to learn more about becoming a CRNA.

Admissions and Curriculum for CRNA Programs in Connecticut

Your journey to becoming a nurse anesthetist in Connecticut begins with getting accepted to a CRNA program. Of course, you need a BSN from an accredited nursing school. Your GPA should be at least 3.0, although ideally, you may want a GPA of 3.5 or higher. In addition, you must have used your BSN to gain experience in a critical care, acute care, or surgical care setting. Since these are the fields in which nurse anesthesia is most often used, this experience can be invaluable.

CRNA programs in Connecticut generally last between 28 and 36 months. If you’re willing to take accelerated winter and summer courses, you may be able to finish in a shorter period of time. This program does have slightly higher credit requirements than most MSN specialties. At the majority of schools, you need to complete 60 to 70 credits prior to graduation. Much of the courses you complete during this time frame focus on clinical experience, so you may start building connections before you even graduate.

The courses you must take to become a CRNA focus on many aspects of nursing, from research and evidence-based practice to pharmacology and anesthesia administration techniques. Early in your education, you may take courses like Role Development for the Advanced Practice Nurse, Research for Advanced Practice Nurses, Anesthesia Physiology & Pathophysiology, and Chemistry & Physics of Anesthesia. Later courses delve into the hands-on skills you need. You may take Principles of Anesthesia, Perioperative Techniques & Instrumentation, and Anesthesia Practicum.

You may qualify for graduate-level nursing scholarships in Colorado. Since these tend to close early, you may wish to begin your scholarship search as soon as you are accepted to the school of your choice. The Connecticut Nurses’ Foundation awards more than $13,000 in scholarships each year. Another local resource is the Connecticut League for Nursing. The Connecticut Student Nurses Association also awards multiple scholarships.

Working as a Nurse Anesthetist in Connecticut

Nursing is a highly regulated field, so it should come as no surprise that Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists must meet strict licensing requirements in Connecticut. All testing and licensure goes through the Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing. After completing your degree, you may work with a temporary license as long as you are supervised in your place of employment. However, you must take your CRNA exam and apply for your license within 90 days of graduation. Furthermore, you must submit proof of your education to your employer. This may come in the form of an official transcript or a list of recent graduates provided by your school.

Completing the process of becoming a CRNA doesn’t just offer positive effects on your career. Rather, this choice can be personally fulfilling as well. You may find that completing your education and getting your license makes you feel good about helping patients, helps you develop your nursing leadership skills, and gives you the chance to reach more patients in your community.

Obviously, choosing this career path requires responsibility and a dedication to your health care community. If it’s time for you to explore your career options in nursing, contact CRNA schools in Connecticut today.

Forensic Nursing in Connecticut

As a working nurse, you may have a huge variety of options when it comes to advancing your career. There are many areas of study open to those who want to expand their education to the Master’s degree level. If you are interested in working with at-risk populations and providing exceptional care to those who are going through extremely difficult times, the field of forensic nursing in Connecticut may be a natural choice for you.

Some graduates work at crime scenes and crime labs. However, the more common application of this field is in the examination of victims of violent crime and sexual assault. Through groups like the Connecticut Chapter of the International Association of Forensic Nurses, professionals in this area receive current, relevant training on topics like human trafficking, evidence-based practice, privacy considerations, and virtual resources for victims of crime.

Explore different training options in this field by contacting forensic nurse programs.

Master’s Degree Programs in Forensic Nursing in Connecticut

To succeed in this field, you must select a forensic training program that is well-suited to your current level of education and your nursing experience. Most programs have some type of experience requirements, generally ranging from one year of full-time nursing experience to three years of nursing experience. Most Master’s degree programs are two-year programs intended for Bachelor’s degree graduates, but there are some RN-to-MSN options for those who have Associate’s degrees.

The training you receive as a graduate student must cover the science of criminal justice, procedures surrounding evidence collection, techniques for working with victims and perpetrators of crime, and Connecticut law.

Some of the high-level courses you may take include:

  • Health Informatics
  • Issues in Forensic Nursing
  • SANE Training
  • Medicolegal Death Investigation
  • Interpersonal Violence
  • Forensic Pathology

After getting enough experience in this field and earning your degree, you may be ready to look into certification options. There are several agencies that focus on this specialty. The Commission for Forensic Nursing Certification offers certification for those who want to become Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners and those who have the 2000 hours of experience required for Advanced Forensic Nurse certification.

The Role of Forensic Nurses in Connecticut

Upon graduating with a forensic nurse degree, you may work for private organizations, healthcare institutions, or government agencies. With the push to have SANEs located throughout Connecticut, you may find that there are a number of government employment options to consider. The Department of Administrative Services hires those who work as forensic nurses and head forensic nurses. In this role, you may provide nursing services to mentally ill offenders, antisocial offenders, and those who have not had their needs met in a correctional setting. The Gail Burns-Smith Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner program aims to make SANE/SAFE services available at more facilities in Connecticut.

When you become a forensic nurse, you take on extremely important responsibilities that have a lasting impact on the lives of victims. Learn how to become a forensic nurse and how you can prepare for that responsibility by contacting Connecticut programs today.

Connecticut Clinical Nurse Leader Degrees

Patient care comes in different levels of complexity and requires varying levels of expertise. As the number of patients in Connecticut continues to grow and the country as a whole struggles to provide enough practitioners to meet care needs, it makes sense to allocate care to those who can free up time for more advanced specialists.

The role of the Clinical Nurse Leader is a specialized credential that empowers nurses to create care plans, oversee the work of registered nurses, and become a contributing member of a health care leadership team.

You may have been led to the field of clinical nurse leadership because you have started to jump into a leadership role when it presents itself. Natural management abilities may manifest in taking control of life-or-death nursing situations and acting as a mentor to new nurses.

The Organization of Nurse Leaders in Connecticut notes that graduate-level nurse leaders can improve this industry in many ways. Their goals include improving the state of care and policy in Connecticut, connecting with patients and staff in new ways, understanding the role of social media in health care, and engaging with patients to make them active participants in their care.

If you can see yourself as an effective, trusted leader in nursing, take the first step now by requesting information from graduate programs in nurse leadership in Connecticut.

How Can I Become a Clinical Nurse Leader in Connecticut?

Program length and requirements differ from school to school, but some themes are consistent across Connecticut schools. On average, you’ll need to complete 37 credits to earn your CNL degree. As a full-time student, you may be able to meet this requirement in just two years.

You meet your credit requirements and address your learning goals by taking courses like:

  • Nursing Science and Patterns of Knowing in Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Advanced Pharmacodynamics
  • Quality and Microsystems
  • Information Systems for the Scholarship of Application
  • Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice
  • Health Policy and Populations-Based Advocacy

The curricula for CNL programs are based on several core aspects. Some of these areas of concentration include advanced generalist care, interdisciplinary work, accountability in nursing, patient care outcomes, and different models of care delivery.

To legally work as a Clinical Nurse Leader, there are two licensing requirements you must follow. First, the Board of Examiners for Nursing mandates annual renewal of your registered nursing license. There are no continuing education requirements for your RN license.

Next, you can earn your CNL license from the AACN. This process involves passing a rigorous exam, paying a testing fee of $350 or $425, and renewing your license every five years. Each renewal period requires 50 hours of continuing education.

What Does a Clinical Nurse Leader Do?

Being a nurse leader involves far more than simply telling other nurses what to do and filling a management role in nursing shifts. In fact, the AACN note that this practice role’s primary focus is not management or administration—it is clinical care. Leading other nursing professionals is an important part of helping your facility run smoothly at all times, but you shouldn’t lose sight of your clinical care responsibilities.

Due to your high level of education, you may focus primarily on patient outcomes, particularly as they relate to the tasks and responsibilities of nurses. As you analyze research, evidence, and patient outcomes, you can then design standards and practices that are intended to improve patient outcomes. In this way, you are both a provider of care and a manager of care.

Although the AACN establishes the long-term goals and practice role of nurse leaders, this role looks slightly different from facility to facility. In one facility, you may have a bigger responsibility in staff management, discipline, and encouragement. In others, you may not oversee staff at all but spend all of your time in research and creation of care plans. You may wish to look at job listings for nurse leaders and care managers for various facilities to find out which job openings best fit your career goals and your nursing interests.

You may also spend a significant amount of time working with nursing groups and organizations in Connecticut. This allows you to establish yourself as a local leader and address issues that affect working nurses.

The field of nurse leadership is possibly one of the most crucial in the future growth of the nursing industry. Find out how you can contribute by checking out Master’s in nurse leadership programs in Connecticut.

Connecticut Research Nursing Graduate Programs

Nursing is one of the largest and most diverse career fields that you can possibly get into. As a working registered nurse in Connecticut, you have likely seen thousands of patients and developed a core set of nursing skills that can be used in many different settings.

If you are interested in putting your knowledge to work in a more academic setting, a career in nursing research may be the next step for you. Since you have been active in the front lines of nursing, you may be able to tackle some of the most important issues and topics in the world of health care.

Learning about the research methods and techniques of Connecticut’s nursing community can help you get established in a variety of specialties and fields. Connecticut is home to a newly developed cancer center that hopes to pioneer the field of cancer research.

If you are ready to make a difference in the medical industry as a whole, contact research nursing graduate programs in Connecticut.

Connecticut Graduate Degree Programs in Nursing Research

No matter how much experience you have as a registered nurse, you need to be ready to build an entirely new set of skills and knowledge to make your mark on the field of nursing research. Of course, your prior knowledge and experience can be extremely useful. However, you must also be ready to learn about ethics in research, the goals of nursing research, creating and carrying out a research study, and working as part of a research team.

Nursing research programs in Connecticut tend to require between 30 and 40 credits. If you want to earn your doctoral degree, you must complete a thesis or research project on top of that. In total, this is a commitment that lasts between two and seven years.

The courses you take as a graduate student should build on your current nursing knowledge while gradually helping you become more comfortable in a research setting. Courses that may be part of your curriculum include Biostatistics, Theoretical Perspectives of Nursing, Contemporary Research Design and Methods, Health Disparities, and Nursing Research Methods. While working your way through your curriculum, you should also participate in a number of research studies under the supervision of a lead researcher.

After you have completed most of your courses, you may design and execute your own nursing study. This is often a requirement for graduation, as it proves to your advisors that you are ready to go out into the workforce as a clinical researcher.

The Role of Clinical Nurse Researchers in Connecticut

When you get involved in the world of nursing research, you may lead or collaborate on a number of projects. Consider joining a group like the Connecticut Nursing Research Alliance to stay up-to-date on the latest studies and goals of this community.

Connecticut’s medical research industry is growing, and you can be part of it. Reach out to nursing research programs in Connecticut to find out more.

Connecticut Certified Nurse Midwife Programs

A Master’s of Science in Nursing (MSN) is required to become a Nurse Midwife in the state of Connecticut. The Department of Public Health in Connecticut defines Nurse–midwifery as the management of women’s health care needs, focusing particularly on family planning and gynecological needs of women, pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period and the care of newborns, occurring within a healthcare team and in collaboration with qualified obstetricians-gynecologist.

If this is a field you would like to enter, contact the Connecticut midwifery programs listed on our website to learn more about getting your graduate nursing degree in this specialty.

Connecticut requires successful completion of an accredited graduate level program by the American College of Nurse–Midwives, and certification by the American College of Nurse-Midwives, in order to become a nurse midwife. As a certified nurse midwife (CNM) you can practice much the same as an obstetrician, and may also write prescriptions, including controlled substances, as you are working with your collaborating physician. You will need to register with the Department of Public Health for an active registration to prescribe controlled substances.

If you are considering getting your MSN in Nurse Midwifery, it is important to understand the licensing procedure and the differences in the colleges that can help you meet your goals. Getting more information from the schools in Connecticut that offer CNM programs is the first step.

Certified Nurse Midwife Programs in Connecticut

In Connecticut there is one campus based Nurse Midwifery Program, which is at Yale School of Nursing, and there are two online midwife programs, which are at Frontier Nursing University and Georgetown University. A BSN degree is required for admission by these universities, and the online programs may meet your needs if you are working or caring for family.

Official transcripts must also be mailed in their originally sealed envelopes for most graduate nursing programs. Graduate school candidates are also evaluated on several variables, which include: evidence of motivation, academic ability, personal understanding of and propensity for advanced practice nursing, references, interview and potential for continued constructive use of professional education.

The Nurse Midwifery curriculum typically includes:

  • Nursing Research for Evidence–Based Practice
  • Statistics for Clinical Nursing Research
  • Advanced Pathophysiology
  • Primary Care Theory
  • Women’s Health I,II: Clinical Care of the Well Woman
  • Women’s Health I,II: Theoretical Foundations of Well Women Care
  • Primary Care Theory
  • Theoretical Foundations for Care of Women with Common Health Issues
  • Clinical Care in Childbirth
  • Theoretical Foundations for Care in Childbirth
  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Specialty Care Clinical Pharmacology for Midwives
  • Advanced Concepts in Women’s Health Care
  • Advanced Midwifery
  • Professional Issues and Leadership

These Nurse-Midwifery courses equal 40 credits, but do not include clinical hours. The clinical practice is geared to provide a variety of healthcare systems, which include medical consultation, collaborative management and referral, which is in accord with the Standards for Nurse–Midwifery Practice of the American College of Nurse–Midwives.

Becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife in Connecticut

After you receive your graduate degree, it is important to become certified. This certification is given by the American Midwifery Certification Board. This certification proves you have met the predetermined criteria for safety in your practice.

If you need financial assistance, visit the Financial Aid Office and complete a FAFSA application, which is a federal grant and loan program based on your income. Yale School of Nursing also offers a limited number of merit–based scholarships to incoming students. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, along with Frontier Nursing University are working to increase the number of nurse practitioners and nurse midwives in rural areas, so they have provided scholarships. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing offer multiple financial aid options on their webpage.

Working as a Certified Nurse Midwife in Connecticut

Employment for midwives is typically found in hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices and other healthcare settings. Since there has been a demand for nurses, you may find the perfect career setting that meets your goals. A Nurse Midwife license may also increase your income. It certainly strengthens the nursing profession as a whole when you get your CNM graduate license.

Connecticut Clinical Nurse Specialist

You’ve earned your degree in nursing, you’ve spent some time gaining experience in the nursing field and building up a strong reputation, and now you’re ready to go further. Does this sound like you? If so, you may want to explore your options for graduate nursing school in Connecticut.

Becoming a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and choosing to focus your nursing education on an area of study that interests you, you can broaden your scope of practice and take on more responsibility in patient care. Contact the Connecticut CNS programs listed below to learn more.

The Society for Clinical Nurse Specialist Education notes that clinical nurse specialists fall into the same practice category as nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and nurse anesthetists. However, rather than focusing solely on patient care, clinical nurse specialists also conduct and study nursing research, consult with medical professionals on changes in standards, and educate medical professionals on nursing topics.

It’s clear that clinical nurse specialists fulfill many roles in the field of nursing. If you’re ready to explore your options in different specialties, get started now. Contact clinical nurse specialist programs in Connecticut and find out which schools serve students in your area.

Becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Connecticut

Clinical nurse specialists are graduate-level nursing professionals, so you must complete a master’s degree in nursing before you are eligible for licensure or certification in this field. Almost all CNS programs require a Bachelor’s degree in nursing, although some programs combine BSN-level courses into their MSN programs for accelerated students.

You should plan on spending at least three semesters in school as a full-time student to prepare for this career. Some programs require you to attend classes year-round to graduate more quickly and keep your skills fresh. When you start out as a new CNS student, you and your cohort may take courses like Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice, Nursing Research and Theory, Advanced Assessment and Clinical Reasoning, Management of Health Organizations, and Health Policy.

High-level classes that may be part of your education include Advanced Clinical Practice for Clinical Nurse Specialists, Human Responses to Acute and Chronic Illness, and Clinical Skills & Critical Decision Making.

Much of your time as a CNS student can take place in local health care settings. By the time you complete your three to six semesters in a Master’s degree program, you may have well over 500 clinical hours under your belt.

Getting familiar with scholarship offerings in Connecticut can help you save a considerably amount of money on your education. The Connecticut Nurses’ Foundation is one local organization with a bevy of scholarship options. You may also find several opportunities through the Connecticut Student Nurses’ Association. If you join the Connecticut League for Nursing, you may be able to consider several different grant and scholarship programs throughout the state.

Working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Connecticut

The ANCC Certification Center is responsible for the national certification of clinical nurse specialists in all specialties, so you may want to register to take their exam when you are close to finishing your degree. At that point, you can apply for an advanced practice license through the Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing.

The field of nursing is multifaceted and diverse. It runs on the skills and abilities of many types of nursing professionals. Find out how much of a difference you can make by contacting clinical nurse specialist programs in Connecticut now.

Connecticut Public Health Graduate Programs

Connecticut has a Connecticut Department of Public Health, which defines the regulations allowed for public health nurses in Connecticut. There is also a Connecticut Public Health Association (CPHA) that’s mission is to represent and unite the diverse expertise of Connecticut’s public health nurses.

Their purpose is to address the most pressing public health problems and to promote safe living for the people of Connecticut. They give educational programs, teach professional and workforce development and network throughout the public health community, offering several opportunities for public health nurses in Connecticut.

There is a new Public Health Training Center at Yale University that brings together national experts to present their work to hundreds of public health professionals from Connecticut. They discussed public service, education for healthcare professionals, advocacy and leadership. Some of their projects include working to combating disease, educating the public and striving to increase immunizations of children in school

If you are interested in public health, this may be the time to return to school for a graduate degree, which will provide you with opportunities for an exciting career in a growing field of study.

Master’s Degree Programs in Public Health Nursing in Connecticut

There are several colleges and universities that offer degrees in public health nursing, which include:

  • Central Connecticut State University
  • University of Connecticut
  • University of New Haven
  • Quinniplac University
  • Saint Joseph College
  • St Vincent’s College
  • Southern Connecticut State University
  • Western Connecticut State University

The nursing schools in Connecticut offer graduate degrees in public health, as well as PhDs.

The admission criteria for most graduate degrees in public health includes:

  • Baccalaureate degree
  • Official Transcripts
  • Letter of recommendation

The graduate curriculum of 34 credits for this diverse and dynamic field includes the following courses:

  • Perspective Transformation I: Socialization into a Community of Scholarly Caring
  • Theoretical Perspectives in Nursing
  • Scholarly Inquiry in Nursing
  • Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Perspective Transformation
  • Epidemiology
  • Theoretical Basis of Public Health Nursing
  • Practicum and Seminar in Public Health Nursing
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Cognate Courses – student selection equals nine credits

If tuition is a concern, complete a FAFSA application, as it is a federal funding program based on your income. Connecticut Nurses Foundation also supports nursing education through scholarships/grants. The state of Connecticut also has several scholarships and grants.

The Role of Public Health Nurses in Connecticut

Public health nurses work to improve health outcomes for all populations using their clinical knowledge and expertise. Public health nurses have the opportunity to participate in community collaboration, health teaching and policy development. There are many opportunities for these nurses to work in different types of agencies and organizations.

There are several types of public health nurses, as some work in governmental positions and others may work for private organizations. For instance, Connecticut Health Educators present promotional and health education programs, training workshops and develop educational materials.

A Community Health Worker maintains client records, advises clients or community groups on issues that might pertain to their general health, such as healthy diets or exercise. They also might identify or work with high risk or otherwise disenfranchised groups.

Visit accredited universities to compare their programs, so you can make a decision that will meet your career goals. This is a career that truly helps the community, and may even provide you with a career that could offer advancement and higher income.

Graduate Nursing Programs in Healthcare Policy in Connecticut

The more time you spend working in the field of healthcare, the more you become aware of the policies and laws that shape your practice. Perhaps you have ideas that could make healthcare more cost-effective and help it yield better outcomes.

If you’re invested in learning about the legislative process and how to bring ideas to fruition, a career in healthcare policy could give you the chance to influence change in Connecticut nursing care.

There are many reasons that getting involved in healthcare policy can help you feel more fulfilled in your career and improve the medical industry in Connecticut. Like many students, you may initially become interested in this field because you are passionate about a specific area of legislation or a population that is underrepresented in Connecticut healthcare. You may also have strong research or debating skills that you would like to utilize in your career.

Those who contribute to this industry by changing healthcare policy have made many strides in recent years. An important ongoing piece of legislation in Connecticut would increase the funding of mental health programs (Norwich Bulletin).

Once you complete your education, you can look at programs like this one and understand that increased access to mental health has a positive impact on many areas of society, including crime rates, resident safety, and quality of life.

No matter which part of healthcare legislation you want to explore, a career in this specialty requires a Master’s degree. Learn more about options in your state by reaching out to healthcare policy graduate programs in Connecticut.

Master’s Degree Programs in Healthcare Policy in Connecticut

A comprehensive understanding of healthcare policy can come from several different Master’s degree programs. For example, a Master’s in Public Health broadens your knowledge in the realm of public health, which is a significant area of medical legislation throughout the United States.

While earning a Master’s in Public Health, you may take courses like Foundations of Public Health, Public Health Research, Health Systems and Policy, Health Promotion Methods, Program Planning and Evaluation, and Health Promotion Practice.

As you head into graduate study, you may know precisely what you want to do after graduation and how you want to utilize your education. If this describes you, looking into the learning outcomes of Connecticut programs can help you select a school that will help you reach your goals.

Healthcare policy programs often include learning outcomes like the ones listed here:

  • Identify community health problems
  • Empower and educate people of different backgrounds and medical needs
  • Create community partnerships that benefit the medical industry
  • Write and revise policies and plans
  • Communicate effectively with politicians and legislators

To continue working as a nurse in any capacity, you must keep your registered nursing license up to date. In Connecticut, license renewal goes through the Board of Examiners for Nursing. Registered nursing licenses are renewed on an annual basis.

How Do Nurses Impact Healthcare Policy in Connecticut?

As a healthcare policy nurse, you may work with a variety of organizations, institutions, and government agencies to create and fund legislation that achieves a range of goals. As noted, public health is extremely important in Connecticut, so you may work with the Connecticut Department of Public Health in developing initiatives.

You may also lobby for different groups in society, such as patients with specific diagnoses, working nurses, or those who have limited access to healthcare. The Connecticut Nurses Association has many long-term legislative goals, including increased access to healthcare education, nurses’ freedom to work within their full scope of practice, adequate access to healthcare, and an increased voice for nurses in policy decisions.

With one foot in the nursing community and one foot in the world of legislation, you have a great opportunity to impact powerful change in Connecticut. Get involved in this field now and check out graduate programs in healthcare policy.

Hospice Nursing in Connecticut

Hospice care is one of the most essential areas of medical care around the world. Giving patients the right to die with dignity, without pain, and with their wishes respected shows the importance of human kindness and compassion in healthcare.

Connecticut has a well-established hospice care system that allows patients to choose what interventions they’d like and where they’d like to spend their final days. The Connecticut Association for Healthcare at Home is a professional organization that represents healthcare professionals in various specialties. However, hospice and palliative care are two of its highest priorities.

Use your nursing experience and education to make a lasting impact on patients and their family members. You can provide compassion and stability during difficult times. Get more information now by requesting information from Connecticut hospice nursing programs.

Master’s Degree Programs in Hospice/Palliative Care Nursing in Connecticut

Becoming a certified advanced hospice nurse is a multistep process with both state-specific and federal elements. First, you need a Bachelor’s degree in nursing and a current nursing license in Connecticut. If you have either an Associate’s degree in nursing or a Bachelor’s degree in an unrelated field, there may still be options you can consider. RN-to-MSN programs are ideal for Associate’s degree nurses and accelerated programs are well-suited to non-nursing Bachelor’s degree graduates.

As you work toward a Master’s degree, plan on earning between 35 and 45 credits in Connecticut. You first complete a core set of advanced nursing courses that prepare you to provide acute or primary care to patients in a specific population. You then move on to palliative care courses.

Hospice Nursing Courses in Connecticut

  • Pain Management
  • Symptom Management
  • Ethical and Legal Issues in Hospice Care
  • Cultural Considerations in Palliative Care
  • Nursing Care at the End of Life
  • Grief, Loss, and Bereavement

Once you have completed your graduate program, you may be ready to pursue palliative care certification. This process goes through the Hospice & Palliative Credentialing Center. You need proof of having completed 500 hours of advanced hospice nursing work in the past 12 months or 1000 hours in the past 24 months. Furthermore, you need a Master’s degree and current RN licensure. You may then apply for the title of Advanced Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse.

The Role of Hospice/Palliative Care Nurses in Connecticut

With your hospice and palliative care certification, you may take on an important role in Connecticut hospice. You may work with your assigned patients from the very beginning of their care until they pass. This arrangement provides a sense of comfort and stability to patients and their families, making it easy for them to ask you questions. While nursing is generally a fast-paced field, in hospice it is important to take the time needed to make patients feel safe and in control of their situation.

Death is challenging, regardless of a parent’s age or how long they have expected it. It may be even more confusing for their family members, who may have a limited understanding of their family member’s diagnosis or prognosis. Since 24-hour availability is a core feature of hospice care, you should anticipate being on-call on nights, weekends, and holidays as needed.

Hospice facilities in Connecticut include Connecticut Hospice, VITAS Healthcare, Regional Hospice and Home Care, Center for Hospice Care Southeast Connecticut, and Day Kimball Healthcare. Connecticut has a long history of well-researched hospice care options; Connecticut Hospice was the very first hospice center in the entire country.

Are you ready to start working toward a palliative care nursing degree? Connecticut schools are listed below for your convenience. Contact local programs for more information on how to get started.